Sunday, 14 April 2024

SERIN (Haddon's Pits) Wood Sands (Brading)

The first half of April has been somewhat underwhelming (for me anyway), with predominantly breezy westerly winds, mist and fog at times (and rain). I've decided to concentrate my efforts East of the downs, ie the Luccombe area - at least it's sheltered there and looks inviting for in off migrants. It paid off today somewhat, after walking the coast to Haddon's Pits just to the north of Luccombe Village, a flyover Serin went over me (picked up on call) and I managed to get on it; I had a decent enough view of its upperparts including its rump; nice?! It did land for a time on one of the tallish trees (not far from where the Greenish was a few years back) - but unfortunately it didn't stick and carried on northwards. Also, enroute saw my first Redstart on the outskirts of the Village. 

Other seasonal firsts of note so far: Whitethroat (April 1st), Reed Warbler (Brading Marsh 07/04), Tree pipit over (Luccombe Down 10/04), Cuckoo x2 (Shanklin Down 12/04 and Luccombe Chine 13/04, Yellow Wagtail over (Nansen Hill 13/04). Some Xbills (c8) went over Ventnor Downs on the 10th. I haven't bothered much with the sea but did have a Bonxie east back on the 6th...Other noteworthy reports: a Hoopoe at Brighstone (private garden) on 6th, a Purple Heron at Brading Marsh found by Luke G (on 9th), and a Hooded Crow at SCP (lighthouse) found by Dave H. 

Evening session, 14/04, Brading Marsh area: caught up with the Wood Sandpipers in the 'Triangle' field Laundry Lane, at dusk - at least two; had been four this morning (and then six the day after?!). Heard common sandpipers and one Greenshank nearby too.
Vocal Bitterns (x2) heard on the main marsh (also around dusk).

Record shot Redstart at Luccombe Village April 14th

View from 'Haddon's Pits' looking towards Culver

Wood Sandpiper(s) - Laundry Lane, Brading - 14/04 (at dusk) [impressive tally of up to seven have been reported in the triangle field; plus, eight green sands and LRP]

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SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

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