Tuesday, 19 March 2024

SCP sea watches (Ventnor Shorty)

Breezy SW winds, overcast and drizzle at times, brought the mipits down low enough to see going over Ventnor Downs today. Made counting them easier, though movements were on a broad front, it didn't take long to get to an estimated c300 (in just over 1hrs obs) piling through Northwards. 
Also, first Willow Warbler in Coombe Bottom today. Couple of Sikins over. 

Ventnor Downs, 21/03: Brambling alighted a tree before leaving northwards, and Siskin (over).

SCP, Sea watch, 25/03, 06:00-10:30, south/SE winds (with several local watchers): eastward passage:
DB Brent 144, Gannet 93, RT Diver 9, C.scoter 66, Shoveler 4, Teal 10, Kittiwake 22, Sandwich Tern 12 etc....

SCP, Sea watch, 27/03, 06:00-09:25, due south to ssw winds, cool temps (with several local watchers): eastward passage:
BT Diver 1 (08:03), RT Diver 12, Arctic Skua 4 (two yesterday were the first), Manxies 3 (first of the spring), C. Scoter 45, Eider 4, Kittiwake 252 (most on a distant line), Gannet 178, S. Tern 17, DB Brent 36...etc....

SCP, Sea watch, 28/03, 06:00-08:50, SSW, (with OD & IMR): east movements:
Arctic Skua 3, RT Diver 6, S. Tern 1, Brent 28, Kittiwake 36, C. Scoter 47, Manx 1, Fulmar 5, Common Gull 8 etc....(Probable Bonxie and Whimbrel/Curlew). 

Ventnor Downs, 30/03, 11:30am: Easter weekend: sunny, winds going SE/E:
Short-eared Owl x1, Red Kite, Snipe x5 (notable), Siskin.

SCP, sea watch, 31/03, 06:35-10:40, Easter Sunday, E/ENE winds, overcast, with several local watchers:
A pretty good mix, eastwards: BT Diver 1 (photographed by Derek), RT Diver 5, C. Scoter 416, Little Gull 1, Shoveler 12, Barwit 20 (flock), Whimbrel 1, Shelduck 4, Oystercatcher 1, DB Brent 60, Sandwich Tern 39.. Etc...Linnets and chiffs in off.. And Ian R stayed on till midday adding an Arctic Skua and a Velvet Scoter.

SEO - Ventnor Downs 30/03 - first one for me since last autumn
Derek's BT Diver photograph, passed by east just after 8am, sea watch at SCP, 31/03 (DBH/IOW sightings website)

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SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

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