Wednesday, 17 April 2024

Pied Fly (Luccombe) Black Red & Gropper

The winds this week have turned north bringing fresher temps, but at least mostly dry weather, and set to continue. Early this morning (17/04), just before a brief period of showers, a Black Redstart (fem type) was hanging about on the gorse atop Ventnor Downs. The odd fly-over Yellow Wagtail, Yellowhammer, and Siskin. And as I dropped down to the Luccombe area, Willow Warblers were quite noticeable in numbers, an obvious fall (20+); and whilst walking along Bonchurch Rd, I came upon a smart Pied Flycatcher, another first for the year. Both Lesser and Common Whitethroats are now in full song. At least one Swallow went over and a few more Yellow Wagtails too. 

19/04/Friday: early doors heard a Cuckoo (my third Spring one) towards Bonchurch/Monks Bay (coast). And then a Tree Pipit went over North, further along (Ventnor Downs), with a few more distant possible(s) and mipits going over too. The highlight was a reeling Gropper near Luccombe Village; Willow Warblers were again prevalent; couple of lesser throats; and Swallows were noticeably coming in off and North (c25 minimum), the most I've seen so far this spring. 

24/04/Wednesday: another Gropper (Downs) and Tree pipits x2 over, WWs and a Lesser Throat (new in). Hirundines over (c30). Pretty quiet for me - but the recent run of fresh northerly winds is forecast to change......

Nice gorse - plus a Black redstart

Something of a 'record' shot - restless Pied Flycatcher along Bonchurch Road.

First time I've sound recorded this species - calling 
Nice to hear Lesser throats and Chiffchaffs again 

Iain shared a nice video of one the recent Wood Sands - Laundry Lane - six/seven have been lingering:

Green-veined White - pieris napi - Luccombe Farm 25/04

Another view from Haddon's pits on a sunnier day - integrating more into my routine - best so far the Serin.
Post dusk Whimbrel:
One of many sounds of Spring:

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SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

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