Thursday, 17 October 2024

Richard's Pipit SCP

A couple of days ago (October 15th), George found a Richard's Pipit along the coast and just west of the Lighthouse, which again was seen and heard later the same day by Ian & Ollie. I got down there mid-morning the following day (Oct 16th) during a spell of sunny weather, and sure enough I got to experience it too - albeit somewhat briefly and also just west of the Lighthouse: it came up from the long grass next to the footpath, calling away, and seen to fly towards the cliff edge before turning back towards me - whereby it finally dropped out of sight back into the long grass. I did manage to get a sound recording and noted various features (large pipit shape/long tail/proportions/contrasts/head pattern etc) when it was airborne. 

Sonogram - anthus richardi [16/10/24]

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