Sunday, 1 October 2023


The first Woodlarks, couple of singles AM and PM (latter one seen and heard with Neil) went over Luccombe Down on Sept 30th - a sure sign of autumn progressing - along with increasing numbers of linnets, chaffinch, alba wags, and the odd reed bunt/redpolls etc. However, the day-time temps remain very mild (around 18c). Today (Oct 1st), a Vestal on Luccombe Down, a migrant moth from the south (southern Europe and North Africa) - no doubt on the back of the southerly air flow. 

04/10/Luccombe/Bonchurch down: pretty good vis mig numbers, siskins, redpoll, goldfinch, couple of yellowhammers, pied wags, swallows/hmartins; and another single Woodlark high up and west at 09:08.

Luccombe Down: record shot of the Vestal Rhodometra sacraria (01/10)

Redpolls starting to go over now:

Another flyover Woodlark 04/10 - just about audible in between the boisterously singing Robin:

The sunshine always brings out Ventnor's ubiquitous wall lizards 
Momentary tussle - presumably a territorial dispute

 Yellowhammer: Aside from spring and autumn migration, I don't often see or hear them on this part of the island - despite the habitat etc - though obviously they breed not far away - the island probably still has a fairly stable(ish) widespread population. This one was perched before flying off. At least two others went over too (all west).

Quite a bit of stoat action lately:

Violet ground beetle - carabus problematicus - Luccombe Down

Bonchurch 06/10 - Rusty-dot Pearl and Silver Y (immigrant) moths:

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