Sunday, 22 October 2023

Bearded Tits (Vis mig) and Redstart sp?

Quite a decent vis mig session atop Ventnor Downs this morning on a much brighter day following several days of iffy weather. One sought after vis-migging species for me, well one of many, Bearded Tit (reedling), is one I've considered going over and sure enough for the first time it happened today; in a local context, another species that is probably less than annual on the Island and one I haven't experienced locally in over 10 years?! I recall last seeing them at Yarmouth (old railway station/ponds) on the odd occasion, a spot where they should be seen. And Brading marsh has had odd records in recent years...Unfortunately, I didn't see these as they passed over the downs around 10:15 - but as usual I had the recorder going to capture their unmistakable flight calls..

Aside from that highlight: two more Woodlarks (my fifth and sixth autumn birds) went right over me (calling) and at least 19 Xbills were nice to see, plus other bits n bobs including several Brambling

October 26th: a Redstart (fem type) was seen and photographed on Culver Down; it was pondered and suggested as a possible 'Eastern' Black Redstart/or hybrid? It remains a cautious if interesting 'possible'. One that could easily be overlooked. It'll be interesting to see the outcome of its ID either way. 

October 30th: the vismig highlight (before the heavens opened once again) included 68 Crossbills over Luccomber Down. Plus, a Ring Ouzel hanging about. [A lot of rain lately and the daily shoddy weather seems stuck - with more forecast this week including storms] 

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SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

Wheelers Bay Ventnor : Black Redstart on March 5th.  SCP (St Cath's) : off the 'point' March 8th: morning sea watch with George...