September 22nd: following the 'probable' Pallid Harrier ringtail that cruised past me over Gore Down a week ago, a much more confirmatory one was atop Ventnor Downs on Friday. After Neil Newnham contacted me to say he'd seen a 'ringtail harrier species hunting over the fields' - of which he'd eliminated Hen Harrier but with views that were frustratingly brief to say much more about it - I eventually joined him around 11am (no further sign up to that point). It was as we were making our way back towards the Radar Station that the 'harrier' (around 12:30pm) suddenly reappeared: quite low at first (obscured momentarily by trees) only to gain some considerable height to north of us over the eastern edge of the 'bowl' and viewable for three or more minutes; at times interacting with an airborne common buzzard; twisting and turning in the air. Gradually it steadily descended and came more or less towards us before finally dropping low over the fields again, giving us ample time to assess and confidently ID it. Nice.
Sunday, 24 September 2023
Pallid Harrier (Ventnor Downs)
A Kes outside my window - couldn't resist a digi-scope photo. Another one was calling nearby:
A Short-eared Owl greeted me atop Luccombe Down on 23rd:
Box-tree Moth cydalima perspectalis - Luccombe Down (27/09) - a non native species increasingly seen - and the larvae are quite destructive (my understanding).
and Silver Y (29/09/23 Ventnor)
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