Sunday 26 November 2023

Snow Bunting - Atherfield

Not a lot of note of late - overhead passage at my local downland site seemed to quickly drop off during the first part of a stormy November - even with ideal conditions yesterday I could only muster a Brambling and some woodpigs (c200). [Northerlies have just dropped the temperatures somewhat; first frost yesterday morning; single figures].  

This morning I visited Whale Chine and soon heard a calling Snow Bunting along the coast, not far from the car park; however, I didn't initially see it on the deck - only after carrying on half a mile or so west towards Atherfield, and hearing it again (or perhaps another?) - I got to see one, albeit briefly, along the field's edge; nice to see and hear one to some extent. Also, I tried the east side of the Chine and encountered a Short-eared Owl along the coastal path there. 

Looking towards Blackgang/Rocken End

Record shot?! [My first snow bunt since 2021].
And a snippet of the vocal Snow Bunt:

Couple of evenings ago: the moon and Jupiter (+ moons left to right: Calisto, Europa, and Ganymede; I believe)

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Blyth's Reed Warbler (Ventnor Downs)

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