Friday, 31 March 2023

Spring Woodlark

Up atop Ventnor Downs on 27th, some vis-mig included my first (if later than most including my brother in Scotland) Swallow (north) of the spring and 60 Mipits over. Unusually, a calling Woodlark went over too was a surprise (more an autumn encounter locally). Raptors were up and about in numbers, sparrowhawks (2) and 18 or so common Buzzards; plus, two Red Kites, my second and third birds of the year; always a smart bird even if they are becoming more common. 

Despite breezy south winds on 28th, a morning sea watch from SCP produced little other than a RTD, 12 common scoters east, and evidence of minimal gull passage (a few common and meds). Earlier there had been an Arctic Skua east. A Porpoise was present occasionally breaching east. 

Noc-mig has been quiet since the ouzel: although a noc Mistle Thrush was a first for me. But no waders. 

Although milder, March ends quite unsettled, with blustery south west to west winds and rain. The forecast looks a bit more settled as we go into April and early next week.  

A recent jaunt to the west wight, WHD/Needles headland, yielded very little other than a few wheatear. 

My local (regular) circuit.


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SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

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