Monday, 6 March 2023

Early March

March started off as Feb left: with chilly northerlies and often overcast; and ultimately very little to report. One Siskin over Luccombe Down and a Golden Plover was along the sea wall Wheelers Bay before flying off (yesterday/5th), was about all I could muster; aside from local stuff: Firecrests are active now.

Some early signs of spring/summer migrants from a couple of observers: first Swallow at Blackgang on Feb 26th (GF) and Wheatear at Strawberry Lane/Mottistone on Feb 28th (JM). On the mainland too, House and Sand Martins, the odd LRP, and Osprey, have arrived back. 

Brading Marsh still had a few things: SEO(s), Cattle Egret(s), Hen Harrier, Water Pipit(s) etc. 

However, the weather is about to change somewhat: with variable winds forecast (onshore at times) and quite strong, plus rain - could shake things up/get things going, especially regarding the sea. And some milder temps?.....

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SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

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