Tuesday, 21 March 2023

Noc Ring Ouzel

Still a bit slow going. I haven't yet 'got in' on the recent and remarkable Alpine Swift (UK) influx; despite a couple of IOW records to date, single birds at Culver on 19th and Brading marsh on 20th. But will keep looking..

A Sea watch today (breezy SW conditions) at SCP yielded an Arctic Skua (Dark) east at 08:39 (first of the spring), plus a Sandwich Tern (east). 

The odd Wheatear at various spots. Increase in chiffs etc. 

Noc-mig in Ventnor has been quite interesting including a few waders: Golden Plover, Dunlin, and Eurasian Curlew (18th), and thrushes too (Redwing and Song T). However, the 'noc' thrush highlight came last night (Monday 20th), a Ring Ouzel at 9:07P.M; a first night-time and site record for me. (Its call is superficially similar to a Fieldfare's 'cackle' but differs in being higher pitched with a speedier delivery). 


Normally record some Redwing.

Another first for my local nocmig

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SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

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