Tuesday 6 December 2022

Yellow-legged Gull and (putative) scandi herring gull (1cy) Cetti's at Roud

Sandown Canoe Lake:
1cy YL Gull. Occasionally calling (a high pitched eee). Cold snap continues: the Lake had been iced over for a few days...
A Cetti's calling at Roud SW (probably a first for the site). 

With argenteus - both called (YL only singly)

Juv Scandinavian Herring Gull (argentatus) on 7th:

Ringed (alphanumeric code) adult Herring Gull (December 9th) [Yellow 6F2B?] at Sandown Canoe Lake: this is a locally ringed bird, ringed nearly a decade ago at Lynbottom Refuse tip in 2013 (details received courtesy of Roger).

Cetti's at Roud Sewage Farm - 09/12/22:

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Blyth's Reed Warbler (Ventnor Downs)

Heard another vocal 'acro' this morning ( 26/06 ), along Bonchurch Road (north side of Nansen Hill, Ventnor Downs) at around 08:45am...