Thursday, 15 December 2022

Bean Geese (Rookley/Merstone)

Three 'Taiga' Bean Geese, in the fields off the Merstone Cycle track: 

There was some debate as to whether they were tundra or taiga - but suspected to be the latter. It was also interesting to see many lapwing and golden plover in the fields, obviously displaced by the cold and icy conditions. We also clocked a Red Kite nearby. 

Bean geese flew over us occasionally calling:

The cold snap is coming to an end: since December 7th temperatures have been near freezing or just below, with the predominantly north easterlies. However, it's about to get milder again this weekend (and wet) as the winds turn southwards...but just before it does it was one last morning of an iced over car windscreen and an iced over Sandown Canoe Lake; quite a few LBB (six) there lunchtime including this 1cy; however, despite some regular coverage there, the gulls have been a bit disappointing esp. given the recent conducive conditions; feel a bit short changed something like a Caspo or a white winger....will persevere...  

Car windscreen (16/12)

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