Friday, 30 December 2022

Review of the year (my year)

 A look back at some highlights. I didn't find anything exceptionally rare as such, but had some nice things nonetheless. It was enjoyable, which is always a priority for me anyway....and there's always next year :)

The early part of the year included a Sibe Chiff, calling as well, at Shalfleet Sewage Farm on Feb 2nd. White-fronts at Brading Marsh as well as a Glossy Ibis on March 23rd. Finding breeding Egyptian Geese on March 15th was a first for the island; initially nine goslings seen but reduced to five juvs later in the season. Sea passage included Pomarine Skua on May 9th. Two booming Bitterns at Brading Marsh on May 16th. 

Summer saw a fairly prolonged heatwave (July). First juv Yellow-legged Gull at Sandown on July 15th. Firecrest bred locally in Ventnor for the fourth consecutive year since I moved here; a daily occurence especially vocally. 

Autumn: a couple of Ruff dropped into Brading Marsh on August 16th. Had a holiday in Scotland, Aug 17th - 29th, and spent some time with my brother at his local patch Ferry Hills (Fife); included a Honey Buzzard. On the journey up twitched the rare Bempton Cliffs RED-TAILED SHRIKE on Aug 18th.  Back home for late Aug. Early September, five Balearic Shearwaters at SCP on Sept 8th. A good day on Sept 12th with probably four different Honey Buzzards over Luccombe Down. This was followed by another Honey B (am) and a Bee-eater (pm) over Luccombe Down on Sept 15th. Several Woodlarks (vis mig/Ventnor Downs, Oct-Nov) and a flyover/calling Lapland Bunting (Bonchurch Down) on November 4th. Twitched the potential EASTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL at East Cowes esplanade on November 8th; I managed to sound record it whilst others collected a faecal sample for DNA analysis (awaiting confirmation). A couple of notable sea watches: Ten Little Gulls at SCP on Nov 15th followed by a (late) Sooty Shearwater west on Nov 24th. A cold snap during December brought in three Bean Geese sp. (likely Taiga) at Merstone/Rookley on December 15th. 

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SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

Wheelers Bay Ventnor : Black Redstart on March 5th.  SCP (St Cath's) : off the 'point' March 8th: morning sea watch with George...