Tuesday, 20 October 2015

St Catherine's - fair conditions

The highlight was a BLACK REDSTART hanging about the lighthouse grounds/building rooftops. Did an extensive circuit around the headland including Rocken end and the old Blackgang road: finches were prominent overhead, best of which were brambling (heard only), and skylarks featured well too. Goldcrest and chiffs also predominated being heard or seen all over the shop. Despite scrutinising every flock that moved about in the sycamores, not one appeared to have a yellow-browed tagging along with it; though a fellow Ventnor birder succeeded with one today.
1 Dartford warbler and 1 wheatear also noted. And just as I was getting in the car a grey wagtail was hanging about in a garden. Odds 'n' sods otherwise.

Fanning its red tail (phoenicurus ochruros)

Enjoying the water feature - grey wagtail pitched in

Quite a subtle recording of migrating com.redpoll - requires headphones and volume



Still some lepidoptera interest: on the wing a clouded yellow (colias croceus)

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