Monday, 19 October 2015

Headed west again today

Not long after leaving the high down quarry car park a rich sound of vocal chiffchaffs and goldcrests greeted me (single firecrest heard also), which always gives a birder hope on the migration front. Then further along I heard what I'm pretty certain was a SIBERIAN chiffchaff (tristis), of which the call sounded more discordant and simpler than you'd get from a common chiff (phylloscopus collybita). (There's an informative section on sibe chiffs in one of the sound approach books with an accompanying CD, which I've studied). However, having had no visual on it, I will keep it as a 'probable'. Interesting call though.

Continued along the north fence line and had my first fieldfare of the autumn (also redwing heard earlier in the proceedings). And thrush interest continued with up to 5 ring ouzel about the scrub, but being typically wary, they kept their distance. Also a Dartford warbler heard and seen, always appreciated.

Over head migration was pretty much non existent. Though when I got to the headland I heard a bullfinch and gave me the impression it was finding its feet so to speak.

I then hung about the needles battery: a very late (the latest recorded) juvenile cuckoo was still hanging about and feeding in the area. Anyway I approached from a distance, spotted one of those hubble-sized camo' covered lenses set up with a photographer/twitcher stood near it, and then kept my distance. Never did see the cuckoo, but heard one woman exclaim its presence (Lymington residents probably know about it too), so it was still there. Bizarre.
Glad I did stake the area out though and looked elsewhere, specifically at the sea mostly, as 5 bottlenose dolphins were putting on quite a display out there. Got some shots. Sod's law came into play though: at one point I thought I was taking some great video footage of them only to find I hadn't pushed the record button properly. Ah well.

Distant fieldfare
Distant ring ouzel
1st port of call - Not Siberian (chiffchaff) fresh in after landing in a tiny bit of scrub near the cliff edge #birdmigration

Off the Needles: My 2nd bottlenose sighting of the year; pics don't do them justice

A video of them off Ventnor posted on the county press website

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