Monday, 7 September 2015

West high down 7:15am - 11am

Finally some settled fantastic weather this week with clear blue skies.
What has been noticeable for a week or so is siskin movement; I don't think a day has passed I haven't heard one or two going over somewhere on my rounds. Today the sound of them going over seemed to be constant from the moment I stepped out of the car. Not all were seen but several flocks were and overall I would estimate 50 in total. But they seemed to be moving in all directions so difficult to be absolutely accurate. (More moving over Havenstreet this evening).

Other vis mig included 3 tree pipit and a few more yellow wags going over. 100s of hirundines made up of mostly swallows were constantly moving east hugging the cliff line.

On the deck of note: 1 whinchat, 4 redstart, 1 spot fc, and 1 lesser whitethroat. Bashed the bushes on the north side but nothing scarcer of note.

 Saxicola rubetra (north fence line)

Autumnal sounds

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