Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Couple of days off

Yesterday on the last day of august I went to afton/Freshwater golf course to twitch a juv dotterel that had been very obliging. However, I dipped. The weather had turned so that may have played a part in either moving it to a more sheltered spot, or moving it on completely. Otherwise 2 wheatear about there.

Today was one of two halves really. Went up onto Luccumbe from Shanklin down in the morning with a very misty start that gradually brightened up. Started off with a few yellow wagtails and mipits moving over.

One bird though was something of real interest. It was on the eastern slope of Luccumbe down and it was moving about in some hawthorn. The first distant head-on view showed me quite a whitish belly with more yellowish tones towards the throat. My initial thought was willow warbler or something like, but nevertheless I was drawn to it and to having a closer look. As I approached it, it naturally moved into cover, but it's curiosity meant I could see its head as it extended it outwards. What struck me with the head was the lack of any supercilium; I became fixated on this. A ring around the eye was prominent from all angles and at different distances/lights, but no super could be seen? Off the top my head all I could think of was icky/melodious?

Vis mig on Luccumbe:

6 yellow wagtails west
3 tree pipits (1 flushed from the field)
1 gropper (flushed)
4 spot fc
5 redstart
2 whinchat
2 wheatear
2 siskin west
1 lesser whitethroat
3 blackcap
hirundines streaming through including 40 house martins

Brading PM:
not much different along the old seawall from last week, save more blackcaps

One of three spotted FC with 2 redstart and 1 lesser whitethroat present.

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