Sunday, 17 May 2015

Sunday 17th evening

Went to a local island spot well known for seeing/hearing nightjars and woodcocks at this time of year. Didn't take long to hear a nightjar, quickly followed by a woodcock. Both with near darkness views too, both of which were out in the open on the path albeit momentarily.  At one point one woodcock seemed to be coming right at me along the pathway.
Another obvious nocturnal target I had in mind was any owl species, but none seen or heard in that area this evening. Earlier in the day though I did have a more of a surprise sighting of a barn owl in broad daylight at about 08:20 as it flew over a road in the Whippingham area.

silhouetted Eurasian woodcock scolopax rusticola
Couple of vid captures of a flyover one. Remarkably quick movers.

European nightjar caprimulgus europaeus

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