Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Looking back: 21st April 2015

Went to West high down that day and it was a bright day with a good variety of grounded migrants. Not long after leaving the car willow warblers were heard and seen. Then moved along the north fence line and on the slopes was a ring ouzel, my 1st of the year. Continuing along the fence line two more ringos were perched up and sounded off, eventually flying towards and over me, followed by 3 common redstart, 1 gropper, 10 wheatear, and 2 whinchat. Total of 5 yellow wags went over north, one seen coming up the slope of the old battery/needles headland was particularly nice as it was on my eye level. Also a black redstart there restlessly moving around that area. Another common redstart nearby made an interesting juxtaposition.
Willow warblers must have totalled 30 by that point. Some were alighting the fence, either working their away along it or flying off north into a head wind.
On the way back also noted a garden warbler and heard the gropper again, the latter of which, probably more known for its concealed reeling, gave me a brief view.

Two willow warblers are in this picture

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SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

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