Tuesday, 5 May 2015

This is my first birding blog post.

NB At the moment any photos are from using a smart phone camera aimed through a telescope, but I may invest in something more substantial in the future. But for the moment I'm content to use this blog as record of what I've seen.

Here are some recent local sightings:

Merlin falco columbarius

Near shepherds chine, first saw this Merlin there on the 23rd of march. Then again on April 6th. With many incoming meadow pipits it was a well chosen spot.

Ruff philomachus pugnax

One was at Brading NR on the 23rd march. On the 16th march two were seen. Not a numerous island bird to see by any means, so nice to see. Last ones I saw were two there in 2012.

Common sandpiper Tringa ochropus
One present at Brading on the 13th April. Also present was a white wagtail.

Little ringed plover charadrius dubious

Same field at Brading nr, three were present there on the 3rd April.

Video from a couple of years ago (not mine): 

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