Saturday, 29 April 2023

Bonxie and Manx

Evening sea watch, SCP:


Bright day, fairly light easterlies, E/ESE. A Great Skua east was the highlight (my first of the season and only the second reported so far?), obviously scarcer this year after being hit by avian flu last year. Conditions seemed right for poms too - but not a sniff this evening (as was reflected at other south coast watchpoints today - aside from one at Portland). A couple of Arctic Skua, RTD, whimbrel, and three Manxies of note. Easterlies continue tomorrow/April closes out... 

[Some context on IOW Bonxie records: the latest official annual bird report 2020 cites a total of 52 east that year up to May 3rd.]

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SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

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