Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Barwits - Easterlies - SCP

Good first movement of Bar-tailed Godwits this evening with 538 (east) at St. Cath's. Sea watch (on my tod) 17:25 - 20:25 (3hrs, till dusk). Also east: 1 Arctic Skua and four Whimbrel of note. When I left at 20:30, three Wheatears were grounded near and along the lighthouse road/fence line (interesting to see, given time of day). A few hirundines arrived in off during the session including one sand martin. One bat sp was zipping around. [Conditions: Breezy E/ENE. Bright. Pleasant evening]. 

Additional: a second evening sea watch at SCP (winds had changed to lighter easterlies) on Friday 21st, 17:00 - 20:30. More Barwits (219 east), Whimbrel (25), C. Scoter (26), Arctic Skuas (6), terns (commic and sarnie), and at least two Little Gulls east. [Herring Gulls roosted off the point at dusk, c300]

Nice sun set (19th).

Elsewhere: the quality has been a Black-winged Stilt at Brading Marsh/Laundry lane's 'triangle field' for the last few days (and continues), seen by most locals (many photos). It's in the same place the last one was back in March 2017. This spring the triangle field's pulled in Garganey, Ruff, and Wood Sandpiper as well (so far) to name a few. At least one Hoopoe report too (Brading/private garden/lawn). Plus an obvious arrival of groppers, hobby, nightingale, willow/chiffs, sedge/reed warblers, and ring ouzels (various spots) - the 17th being a particular 'fall' type day (my first Whitethroat on 17th). 

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SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

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