Saturday, 29 April 2023

Bonxie and Manx

Evening sea watch, SCP:


Bright day, fairly light easterlies, E/ESE. A Great Skua east was the highlight (my first of the season and only the second reported so far?), obviously scarcer this year after being hit by avian flu last year. Conditions seemed right for poms too - but not a sniff this evening (as was reflected at other south coast watchpoints today - aside from one at Portland). A couple of Arctic Skua, RTD, whimbrel, and three Manxies of note. Easterlies continue tomorrow/April closes out... 

[Some context on IOW Bonxie records: the latest official annual bird report 2020 cites a total of 52 east that year up to May 3rd.]

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Barwits - Easterlies - SCP

Good first movement of Bar-tailed Godwits this evening with 538 (east) at St. Cath's. Sea watch (on my tod) 17:25 - 20:25 (3hrs, till dusk). Also east: 1 Arctic Skua and four Whimbrel of note. When I left at 20:30, three Wheatears were grounded near and along the lighthouse road/fence line (interesting to see, given time of day). A few hirundines arrived in off during the session including one sand martin. One bat sp was zipping around. [Conditions: Breezy E/ENE. Bright. Pleasant evening]. 

Additional: a second evening sea watch at SCP (winds had changed to lighter easterlies) on Friday 21st, 17:00 - 20:30. More Barwits (219 east), Whimbrel (25), C. Scoter (26), Arctic Skuas (6), terns (commic and sarnie), and at least two Little Gulls east. [Herring Gulls roosted off the point at dusk, c300]

Nice sun set (19th).

Elsewhere: the quality has been a Black-winged Stilt at Brading Marsh/Laundry lane's 'triangle field' for the last few days (and continues), seen by most locals (many photos). It's in the same place the last one was back in March 2017. This spring the triangle field's pulled in Garganey, Ruff, and Wood Sandpiper as well (so far) to name a few. At least one Hoopoe report too (Brading/private garden/lawn). Plus an obvious arrival of groppers, hobby, nightingale, willow/chiffs, sedge/reed warblers, and ring ouzels (various spots) - the 17th being a particular 'fall' type day (my first Whitethroat on 17th). 

Sunday, 9 April 2023

Easter easterlies - SCP - Little Gulls

Easter weekend/Sunday: a pretty decent sea watch at 'St. Cath's' this morning, 6:25 - 10:30 [4hrs], and some variety, enjoyed with a few local birders, Dave and co (six in total being quite a turnout these days). Sunny intervals, moderate SE/E. winds. 

Highlight(s) eastbound: 51 Little Gulls and a Garganey, several Arctic Skuas, and an in-off Yellow Wagtail. (Yesterday, a Brambling over Ventnor Downs).  


A recent noc-mig session at SCP had been disappointing. Save a local Barn Owl - briefly perched on the wall next to me. 

Wednesday, 5 April 2023

SERIN - SCP (Another Ring Ouzel)

Post a fairly staid sea watch at 'St Cath's' (early doors with Mark B and Gary H til 09:45), just after I packed up around 10:15 and whilst walking back to my car, the highlight was a single calling (flyover) Serin near the Lighthouse, initially seen heading Westwards away from me before switching back and East over the light house compound at 10:20. Classic time of year and conditions for one - Dungeness B.O had a 'party of three' today too [Variable onshore south winds, light SE to SW, overcast/sunny intervals]. But the sea itself had been stop/start with slim pickings (roughly 3.0 hours from 7am). Three Grey Herons seemed to arrive 'in off' and moved along the coast eastwards. 

Male Ring Ouzel at Ventnor Downs on 7th. Plus, a Lesser Redpoll and trickle of Swallows north. 

Sea watch totals per Gary (with Mark B)

Elsewhere: Tracy had 10 Ruff at Brading Marsh. Also been a couple of Large Tortoiseshells, singles at Newtown and Newchurch (James Gloyne). 

SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

Wheelers Bay Ventnor : Black Redstart on March 5th.  SCP (St Cath's) : off the 'point' March 8th: morning sea watch with George...