Sunday, 21 August 2022

Holiday - Scotland - days 4 and 5

Day 4 (20/08): went to Kinghorn, East Braes, along the Fife coast; as the weather was a bit iffy; gave the sea a good watch (in the morning). P.M it brightened up and we visited the Eden estuary, the highlight there being a couple of Osprey.  

Day 5 (21/08): back to Ferry Hills for another early morning vismig session, which was quite productive and with a good variety of species; 98 Tree Pipits would ordinarily be an exceptional count at most UK sites but is still some way off the record count for this site; but still a great count and fantastic experience. Other highlights included a Green Sandpiper, Black-throated Diver, and Tree Sparrows

This fresh juv was outside where I'm staying for this holiday - the University of Stirling

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SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

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