Tuesday, 30 August 2022

Holiday - return home

Sunday 28th: last day in Scotland. As the winds had changed to a NE, during the morning we went back to Kilminning (Fife Ness) with 'drift migrants' in mind; however, the bush bashing in that area produced little, but the sea made up for it: sooty(s), manx, tufted duck, odd skua, and puffins etc. A great finish to a memorable time. 

Later on, I had a walk near where I was staying in the Stirling area (Bridge of Allan) in the pleasant warm conditions - a really picturesque part of Scotland. 

Monday 29th: left Scotland early doors. Stopped at Redcar around 9am to see the Greater Sand plover - but dipped - but my time there was somewhat limited as I still had a five-hour journey in front of me - but still a bit galling to see all the twitchers lined up knowing they were looking at said bird just as I was driving away! That's life. Back home on the IOW at 19:30. 

Tuesday 30th: feeling inspired I didn't waste much time getting back to my patch on Ventnor Downs, early morning, including a session from the 'raptor' mound; but most noticeable was how quiet it was; I'd gotten used to hearing the almost constant calls of Tree pipits, meadow pipits etc of the past fortnight...This was deathly quiet in comparison. However, one bop provided some interest, a ringtail Harrier sp. drifted low and into view, but views I had of it were not enough to iD it with confidence. Also, eight Ravens moving over and northwards was a great sight.  

Saturday, 27 August 2022

Holiday - Day 11 - Scotland

The penultimate day of my holiday (with my brother) was another really interesting and productive one: initially at Ferry Hills (A.M) and then Kinghorn (P.M). The highlight at Ferry Hills was undoubtedly a Honey Buzzard at around 10am (a first for the site too) seen to circle to the north of us (Clive, Graham, and myself) and then drifted west; plus a Red Kite low over the Forth southwards - with an array of other species too; and later on two smart Black-throated Divers passed Kinghorn (vis mig/sea watch). The weather was really nice today too (sunny, warm, slight breeze if any). 

Friday, 26 August 2022

Holiday - Scotland - Day 10

Ferry Hills (A.M) with my brother and Alistair, and then later on Letham Pools (P.M), Decent variety including a flock of Whimbrel

Thursday, 25 August 2022

Holiday - Day 9 - Scotland

Another vis mig morning session at Ferry Hills produced the goods! with 146 Tree Pipits counted, plus an assortment of species on the move. 

Whimbrel flock calling

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Holiday - Scotland - day 7

A.M: Ferry Hills: vis mig session with my brother and another fine selection. 

P.M Letham Pools: waders included LRP, Ringed plover, Dunlin, Greenshank, Snipe (double figures), Ruff (6-7) etc. 

Also early this morning (just after 5am) a Tawny Owl calling outside my window (Uni of Stirling residence). 

Monday, 22 August 2022

Holiday - Scotland - Day 6

Day 6 (22/08) at Fife Ness: great sea watching spot (has had records of Great shearwater and Fea's to name but a few)..We gave it good go:

Couple of Kittiwakes on the rocky shoreline.

Sunday, 21 August 2022

Holiday - Scotland - days 4 and 5

Day 4 (20/08): went to Kinghorn, East Braes, along the Fife coast; as the weather was a bit iffy; gave the sea a good watch (in the morning). P.M it brightened up and we visited the Eden estuary, the highlight there being a couple of Osprey.  

Day 5 (21/08): back to Ferry Hills for another early morning vismig session, which was quite productive and with a good variety of species; 98 Tree Pipits would ordinarily be an exceptional count at most UK sites but is still some way off the record count for this site; but still a great count and fantastic experience. Other highlights included a Green Sandpiper, Black-throated Diver, and Tree Sparrows

This fresh juv was outside where I'm staying for this holiday - the University of Stirling

Friday, 19 August 2022

Holiday Scotland

Day 3: Fife
A.M vis mig with my brother at his local site Ferryhills; and we managed to scrape a few things out of a fairly quiet session that included a flock of snipe and shelduck, an arctic skua and c12 bottlenose dolphins. 

P.M visited Letham Pools, which has had some recent form with waders etc. Today there was a good number of BT godwits (mostly juvs) present, plus a few ruff, snipe, and a couple water rail feeding out in the open. 

Thursday, 18 August 2022

Holiday - Red Tailed Shrike

Day 1 (17th) travelled up to Doncaster.

Day 2 (18th) went to Kilnsea wetlands first and then Bempton Cliffs RSPB to see the Red-tailed Shrike, which showed quite well at times; a rare that's been there some time (since June?). 

Evening: Completed the journey up to Scotland; Stirling University

Lanius phoenicuroides - Red-tailed Shrike (Turkestan)


Tuesday, 16 August 2022


Last day on the island for a time... A brief look over and walk round Brading (north end/Laundry Lane to New Bridge) with waders on my mind.. Sure enough two Ruff (adult and juvenile) suddenly dropped in near the bridge. The pool has obviously contracted somewhat with the recent prolonged drought conditions, but just enough of it is still wet and muddy; sure to lure in some more waders over the next month or so... 

Looking desiccated - view looking west from the embankment f/p west of Laundry Lane

Sunday, 14 August 2022

Luccombe Down (predated owl) and Noc mig (Dunlin)

Increase in spotted flys and willow warblers etc.
Overhead passage has been quiet to non existent...
Juv Dartford warbler seen...
Heatwave continued (though it's about to change...).
Off to Scotland on 17th for a couple of weeks...

Probably a Long eared Owl - Shanklin Down

Noc mig, 14th - 15th, included this Dunlin; also common sand and spot fc calls recorded.

Monday, 1 August 2022


Sea watch at SCP on July 25th was relatively quiet (breezy south westerlies): five common scoter, four meds (including two juvs), juv yl gull, kittiwake...

Heard a vocal Whimbrel at Luccombe Down on July 30th (quite unusual/context). 

Lone Barwit at Ryde East Sands 26/07/22:

Jersey Tiger moth near home in Ventnor (02/08/22)

SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

Wheelers Bay Ventnor : Black Redstart on March 5th.  SCP (St Cath's) : off the 'point' March 8th: morning sea watch with George...