Monday, 27 June 2022

June - plady - one that got away?

A bit quiet of late....

Morning sea watch at SCP, breezy southerlies, 7am - 9:30, on the 28th: produced a few bits, c9 manx, 8 scoter, one adult med gull, kittiwake...and a lone tern sp?? that looked 'big' and perhaps more gull like - I pondered 'Caspian' but only pondered?! Given it was heading away from me and the headland, SE, and then continued east (with an occasional dive), views of its head (esp bill) remained a mystery.. 

Near home - Painted Lady - also: peacock and red admiral

BT Skimmer - not able to fly - pumping blood to wings? Brading Marsh area..

Iris foetidissima - aka stinking iris - Coombe Bottom..

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SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

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