Sunday, 5 June 2022

Firecrest and Egyptian Goose juvs

Though not seen, what sounded like juvenile firecrests begging could be heard today, plus a nearby adult singing. This is the fourth year in a row they've bred in this area near where I live in Ventnor, as noted since I moved here (2019, '20' 21' and 2022). 
Other bits: a painted lady, two bee orchids, two swifts. 

June 6th: Luccombe Down, one juvenile Long-eared Owl heard around dusk/9pm (West facing slopes/usual breeding spot). And two Stonechat juvs on the bracken nearby. 

Bee Orchid ophrys apifera

Two occupied Herring Gull larus argenteus nests seen along Leeson Road

June 7th: checked on the local breeding Egyptian Goose family and five juveniles seen, but no sign of the adults. Also one juvenile Coot seen there too. 

Southern marsh-orchid Dactylorhiza praetermissa

One of five juveniles (Egyptian Goose)

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