Monday, 27 June 2022

June - plady - one that got away?

A bit quiet of late....

Morning sea watch at SCP, breezy southerlies, 7am - 9:30, on the 28th: produced a few bits, c9 manx, 8 scoter, one adult med gull, kittiwake...and a lone tern sp?? that looked 'big' and perhaps more gull like - I pondered 'Caspian' but only pondered?! Given it was heading away from me and the headland, SE, and then continued east (with an occasional dive), views of its head (esp bill) remained a mystery.. 

Near home - Painted Lady - also: peacock and red admiral

BT Skimmer - not able to fly - pumping blood to wings? Brading Marsh area..

Iris foetidissima - aka stinking iris - Coombe Bottom..

Saturday, 18 June 2022

Barn owl juvs


Local success 

Local nest and chick

Good numbers along Bonchurch Down

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

MH juvs and Egyptian Geese (family)

June is starting to warm up (at least 20c today); winds moved to the SE.

Brading Marsh (from St. Helens Bridge and f/p): two WT Eagles, two marsh harrier juveniles, hobby etc. Also (my first of the year) a Hummingbird hawk-moth on the honeysuckle along Latimer Road. 

Checked on the Egyptian Goose family...five juvs and one adult. 

Sunday, 5 June 2022

Firecrest and Egyptian Goose juvs

Though not seen, what sounded like juvenile firecrests begging could be heard today, plus a nearby adult singing. This is the fourth year in a row they've bred in this area near where I live in Ventnor, as noted since I moved here (2019, '20' 21' and 2022). 
Other bits: a painted lady, two bee orchids, two swifts. 

June 6th: Luccombe Down, one juvenile Long-eared Owl heard around dusk/9pm (West facing slopes/usual breeding spot). And two Stonechat juvs on the bracken nearby. 

Bee Orchid ophrys apifera

Two occupied Herring Gull larus argenteus nests seen along Leeson Road

June 7th: checked on the local breeding Egyptian Goose family and five juveniles seen, but no sign of the adults. Also one juvenile Coot seen there too. 

Southern marsh-orchid Dactylorhiza praetermissa

One of five juveniles (Egyptian Goose)

End of Feb

Nice spell of weather at the moment. Spring like with cool temps...see what March brings...(A Siskin over Nansen Hill on Feb 27th). St. Law...