Thursday, 27 July 2017


Tuesday 18th July

First full day in Scotland. Got up early and we went to one of the bro's 'patches,' a place near the Forth and its bridges; a vis mig site. Time of year is touch early for big numbers of passing migrants but we still had a taste of things: tree pipits, tree sparrows, crossbills, siskins, red-t-divers, sarnies and commics - all seen going over. Also two grey seals.

Part two of the day after the lunch we headed for a part of Scotland that had the potential to see a variety of raptors - if you're lucky - so we headed there. (Because of the plight of raptors in Britain, it's probably for the best not to highlight where exactly: but suffice to say it was some where in Scotland. And very picturesque too. All observations were from the main road).

Weather-wise it was perfect and hot, especially for Scotland, with temps around 28°c at its peak.

After a fairly long drive to this area, and after seeing a few red kites en route, the bro more or less said keep your eyes peeled for 'golden eagles' as the area was suitable for said birds. Bizarrely - not long after that comment, we spotted a huge raptor soaring over the hills and was indeed a golden eagle. It circled several times, hanging in the air, giving us crippling views that you couldn't have asked for. But you do have to remind yourself it's not always that easy! It then descended out of sight.

That encounter alone would have been a more than adequate, but just moments later it re-emerged and crossed our line of sight, and worked its way along the hill sides. Just fantastic.


Heavily cropped and tinkered with

Vid caps - more of an impression of this iconic raptor and doesn't quite do it justice!

Red kites - quite a few seen in Scotland. Also on the journey to and from Scotland on the A34 and Yorkshire.

SE owl. This one, one of two present - and both seen interacting at one point - was carrying prey, so probably had chicks nearby. Again, just seen from the road on the journey back to Dunfermline.
An early morning view from 'Ferryhills'

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