Saturday, 15 July 2017

Brading and more 'garden' buzzard

Went to Brading this morning for what will be the last time before I hit the road and head to Scotland for a week to spend time with the birding bro.

Now two LRPs at the new bridge - but not much else really. Though as soon as I got out of the car I heard a calling common sandpiper, but never actually saw it.

But despite little action, I felt really relaxed scanning over the new bridge area. It's become and is a great area. In fact the whole reserve is looking great and considering the recent news of successful breeding of certain species, it is surely testament to the excellent management.

looked like a juv buzzard



'New bridge area' Brading RSPB

'Garden buzzard' - I've seen many a buzzard circle over the garden, but this young juv (note pale iris) has taken a liking to perching around the area, and even swooped low into garden possibly attacking something. Interesting for me as the usual response of a close encounter is for the buzzard to take flight and fly off as far away from me as possible. 

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