Monday, 21 March 2016

Whale chine - Roud - Brading NR

Feeling somewhat under the weather at the moment it took me a while to get going today. Eventually decided quite late in the day to head to the south coast first, maybe chance a wheatear, but no such luck along the coast there - sure there have been. The temp was much more spring like today.

Second stop was Roud sewage works. Really want to keep an eye this spot as it's always teeming with food. Again it was late in the day so wasn't overly surprised to find it quiet. A few chiffs, though didn't spot the sibe candidate this time. A few redwing still about and fieldfare too.

Third stop was Brading NR. Again fairly routine stuff as I worked my way along the lane, though I did pick out a white wagtail in the field east of me, and two other wags (poss white) flew off north too.

Also tried the MACRO setting with my camera combined with my bins and really pleased with the results.

Admittedly this raven was unusually close and didn't seem to mind my proximity, but probably as good a pic as you could ever hope for. 

This lone fieldfare has been hanging around this area near Bexley point Brading nature reserve for the most part of the winter. Again using macro setting. 

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