Monday, 15 June 2015

More hobbies... literally

Back to Brading today and again nice conditions with NE. Quickly spotted some falcons cruising back n forth over the marsh. Got to Bex point and counted eight, six of which after much scrutinizing were defo hobbies, the other two just too distant to say with any certainty but jizz/behaviour suggested likely hobbies - but obviously red foots were on my mind! No close encounters this time, and often soaring high, but mesmerising viewing. Although largish numbers do congregate over the marshes, esp during spring migration, but now at mid June seems a little late? Begs a few questions maybe. (Also clocked a hobby from the car in Wroxal on Saturday).
Otherwise, little else. A group of five common buzzard together soared over Brading too.

Those dots are said hobbies, five of the eight.

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