Sunday, 28 June 2015




Letham hobby by Graham Sparshott
The last morning outing was to Letham, a local area my brother keeps an eye on. Attractive to waders, with ruff, redshank (incluing a chick), common sandpiper and snipe to name but a few being present.
However, the undoubted and unexpected highlight was a falcon that gave us two views. The first was a slightly less than certain did we/didn't we encounter. Initially brought to our attention by the sudden reaction of the sand martins rising high above calling vigorously, Graham clocked what he thought and was sure was a hobby, but it soon disappeared low over the adjacent fields and typically out of sight. Jizz and description would've been enough to say it was one, but still we were left kicking ourselves a little for not getting more of it, plus no record shots. So we went off in its last seen direction to relocate it. With no joy on that front we returned to scan over the pool.
Whilst looking at the ruff and a water rail over the back of the pool, the black headed gulls suddenly became vocal and agitated and took to the air: the falcon was back. This time it gave much more protracted views as it was mobbed by said gulls. No doubting this was a hobby. Graham successfully got some pics too. The context of seeing a hobby in Fife is quite unusual, maybe a couple of records annually but not always. Definitely a species I thought I'd left behind on the island, but always a welcome sight and a good local find for Graham.  


Viper's Bugloss  Echium vulgare
aythya marila
passer montanus
Early evening went back to Vane Farm/Loch leven with Graham. A huge gathering of tufted ducks was quite a sight and we picked out a rarer lone (greater) scaup with them. Tree sparrows (along with siskin) are for me what I call novelty birds. Very rarely seen on the island esp tree sparrow so great to see them feeding close by. The common sandpiper was just below the hide. Also an osprey seen over the loch was another quality moment. 

Saturday, 27 June 2015

milvus milvus 
Very pleasant trip north from Dunfermline just taking in the scenery and occasionally stopping, mostly in the area of Glen Devon. The photo of the red kite devouring something (later joined by another and seen circling together) was very distant and conditions very hazy, but despite seeing probably a collective double figure count right across the UK, that remains the best pic of one for me. Most were seen from the motorway though (had 3 more on the journey home).
Also en route through the glen at a stopping point,  the sound of a ring ouzel singing was a new experience for me. Curlew chicks were seen wandering with the adult. Grey wagtail and Siskins about too.

Friday 26th


Early A.M went to a local spot called Loch Leven with several suitably placed hides to view muddy pools and the loch itself. My brother kindly let me borrow his scope and the bird pics were taken using it - not too shabby. A temminks stint had been hanging about there days before but probably had moved on so not seen for me. Nice tranquil area though and felt very relaxed just sat there alone scanning around.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Back to Brading for what will probably be the last time for couple of weeks as the rest of this week is work and then on holiday next week in Scotland.

At least three hobbies knocking about but again nothing else of note.

 1st summer type didn't like the adult so closely perched and seem to chase it off

Monday, 15 June 2015

More hobbies... literally

Back to Brading today and again nice conditions with NE. Quickly spotted some falcons cruising back n forth over the marsh. Got to Bex point and counted eight, six of which after much scrutinizing were defo hobbies, the other two just too distant to say with any certainty but jizz/behaviour suggested likely hobbies - but obviously red foots were on my mind! No close encounters this time, and often soaring high, but mesmerising viewing. Although largish numbers do congregate over the marshes, esp during spring migration, but now at mid June seems a little late? Begs a few questions maybe. (Also clocked a hobby from the car in Wroxal on Saturday).
Otherwise, little else. A group of five common buzzard together soared over Brading too.

Those dots are said hobbies, five of the eight.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Blue skies and hobbies

A nice afternoon that felt more like a proper June day, and with a bit more time to kill, I ventured back to Brading Nr. Two hobbies hawking over Laundry lane and the marsh was fantastic viewing.

 falco subbuteo
 This sequence shows a real close encounter, taken with my smartphone cam. I could hear its wings it was that close. As you can you just about make out it was an unsuccessful attempt at catching its prey on this occasion, but maybe my close proximity put it off! Its closeness and incoming speed made me recoil a bit too.


SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

Wheelers Bay Ventnor : Black Redstart on March 5th.  SCP (St Cath's) : off the 'point' March 8th: morning sea watch with George...