Friday, 25 October 2024

Yellow-browed Warbler (Whale Chine)

The highlight this morning was a calling (if brief) Yellow-browed Warbler that must have randomly pitched-in (more or less) right next to me?! As I was walking along the coastal footpath not far from the cliff edge - it called three times at least - but tricky to see - it then fell silent. However, a minute or so later I heard it call again much further East of me. It was obviously passing through following the coast-line as any cover there amounts to longish grass and patches of scrub; and certainly no trees between there and Blackgang. Never had a vis-mig type one before; seems to be a YBW autumn! Plus some good passage totals in general (to tot up)...... 

Where the YBW was last heard - looking east towards Chale

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