Wednesday 26 June 2024

Blyth's Reed Warbler (Ventnor Downs)

Heard another vocal 'acro' this morning (26/06), along Bonchurch Road (north side of Nansen Hill, Ventnor Downs) at around 08:45am that immediately sounded very 'Blyth's' like. And the more I listened to the mimicry, scalic fluty-type notes, interwoven: it became very apparent it was one. Sound recorded and shared a vid. Iain Outlaw soon joined me and got to hear it too. Mostly concealed in the downland scrub (but I may have seen it briefly perched out in the open). It stayed at least an hour or so. 

Another singing (common) Reed Warbler near Luccombe Village. At least one pair of Swallows have probably bred in the farm area (often seen overhead). Swifts (c50) over Ventnor. [30/06]. 

Sunday 23 June 2024

Scarce chaser

Second half of June: fairly quiet since the Greenish. Weather has been nice. Warmer temps. 

Scarce chaser along Gander Down this morning (managed to get a phone pic). Pleasant walk from Yar bridge to Brading Marsh: Sedge and reed warblers, Lesser throat, Skylarks etc in song. One WT Eagle seen in its usual preferred spot/tree. 

 Scarce chaser Libellula fulva (23/06) Gander Down

From Gander Down looking North

Distant WT Eagle

Good showing of Viper's Bugloss - and Lupin? 

Looking west from Ventnor Downs (nr Coombe Bottom)

Monday 3 June 2024

Greenish Warbler (Luccombe Copse Bonchurch Road)

This morning on my early walk to Luccombe Farm and back, I came upon a Greenish Warbler persistently singing at 08:30am; heard near 'Corner Cottage', entrance to footpath SS7, just off Bonchurch Road [50.612507,-1.188928]. After I put the news out, it stayed around for at least a couple more hours and other birders got to experience it too; and although it was never particularly showy, Mark Buckley managed to get some photos. First time I've found this local scarcity and only the second Island-one I've experienced so far; the last one being at (the relatively nearby) Luccombe, Haddon's Pits, I 'twitched' a couple of years ago (03/09/21). 

Vocal Greenish Warbler phylloscopus trochiloides:

Photo of the Greenish by Mark Buckley

Herring Gulls - One of two occupied nests atop this house - Ventnor

Glanville Fritillary - Pyramidal orchid - Holly Blue - H.B hawk-moth

Southern Marsh-orchid

Wall Lizard (Ventnor) and Violet ground beetle

Following a couple of blank years, nice to hear Nightjar(s) this season not far from home - (plus Long-eared Owls seen and heard)

Friday 17 May 2024

Bee-eater (Ventnor area)

My early morning local stroll today produced a vocal (heard only) Bee-eater at 06:58; after arriving at the top of the hill near Luccombe Down (very top fence line) I suddenly heard it (or perhaps them?) and the calls became progressively louder: so perhaps heading east? Despite a thorough scan to the south of me, over Leeson Road etc, I did not see it/them at all; with some mist over the downs presumably it was keeping lower down towards the clearer coast line. Nice to hear even if very brief. [Half-a-dozen to ten calls heard in total; sound recorded the last two]. 
Also: a vocal Cuckoo in Luccombe Copse; the third or fourth migrant bird to drop into the area this spring. [SSE light winds at the mo].

19/05: Haddon's Pits: Siskin. And Willow Warbler (vocal) Luccombe Village. First Glanville enroute. 

20/05: Reed Warbler x1 seen (Luccombe) and Tree Pipit (over) Luccombe Down, A.M

25/05: My first Hummingbird hawk-moth of the season, Leeson Road, Bonchurch. [Bird migration tailed off somewhat...]

My first Bee-eater since 2022 (Sept 15th) when one went over Luccumbe Down.
Extremely! brief recording of the calling Bee-eater.

Common Cuckoo (plus Blackcap & LT Tit etc) - Luccombe Copse - 17/05

Spot FC - 23/05

Orchids - Common spotted and Bee

Monday 13 May 2024

Marsh/Blyth's? Reed (Luccombe) and Hoopoe

Yesterday, May 12th, weather-wise a beautiful warm day, I had some things of interest; even if species numbers were not exactly bountiful: in the morning walking to Luccombe Village I soon heard a singing Reed Warbler in the farm's fields: it's been a pretty good spring with the reasonable turnover of both reed and sedge in this area. I then heard (at about 07:40) another singing 'acro/reed type' in the next field along and where I'd had a gropper earlier in the season: however, this 'reed' warbler was doing plenty of mimicry and 'smacking' motifs; interesting?! My mind started to think Marsh/Blyth's and I set about recording it, albeit not very well; bird not seen; but hopefully its ID can be clinched at some point. 

Later on the same day, by somewhat happenstance, in the afternoon I was lucky enough to see (albeit briefly/mostly flight views) a Hoopoe at a private site (private garden) with a fellow birder (Mark B); having spoken to the owners, they preferred details of the specific location not to be given out. [Also a few Silver Y's seen at various spots enroute].

May 14th: Silver Y influx (min c20) + a Painted Lady, Luccombe area. 

A snippet of the mystery hidden acro? Luccombe Village 12/05/24

My first Painted Lady of the year and Silver Y - Luccombe Copse - 14/05

Another painted lady this morning  - small copper - and speckled wood - 15/05

Friday 3 May 2024

Wood Warbler & Spotted Fly (Luccombe)

May began with more rain. Today (3rd), drier but overcast, with breezy westerlies: on my early morning walk from home to Luccombe/Haddon's Pits I came upon a singing Wood Warbler in Luccombe Copse, that sounded like it was gradually filtering northwards along the wooded part of the downs; a species that was very much on my radar and nice to hear; the island gets a few records annually (usually spring) but not many...Also, whilst making way back saw my first Spotted Flycatcher of the spring pretty much in same area, near Bonchurch Road/Lodge footpath. [Winds are about to go more south and SE this wknd]. 

Bank holiday weekend (Sun 5th), shortish (slow-going) Ventnor sea watch, light S/SE winds/showers, 16:10-18:00, heading East: 1 Arctic Skua, 6 Manxies (incl. a single west), 6 DB Brents, 33 Gannets. 

Tuesday, 07/05: roaming Red kites in numbers (double figures) got the local bird news network going; I managed to see a few over Ventnor Downs lunchtime; otherwise: Sedge Warbler (heard only/fairly low-key/A.M), Redstart (f), and Spot FC x2, of note, Luccombe area.

Sat, 11/05, Sunny, Easterlies, Luccombe area: one (poss two) Garden Warblers seen and heard; Swifts x2. 

Wood Warbler - fortunate to hear one these days - purely a passage migrant here, and in ever decreasing numbers it would seem....

Glanville Fritillary melitaea cinxia (caterpillar) 
And a Minotaur Beetle:
typhaeus typhoeus

Singing unseen acro - probably a Sedge Warbler (07/05/Luccombe Farm area)

Singing Whitethroat/early morning soundscape - Luccombe Farm - 09/05

White Wagtail - a smart example of an alba - Laundry Lane, Brading 10/05.
And a singing migrant Garden Warbler along Bonchurch Road:

Sunday 28 April 2024

Redstart (singing) Luccombe BT Diver (SCP)

Yesterday morning (27/04) I walked from home (Ventnor) to Haddon's Pits - conditions fairly damp and dank, and winds turned more eastwards (still feeling fresh) - with perhaps the promise of something. 
Enroute Willow warblers (willow/chiffs) were evident in numbers, as too were whitethroats and Wheatears; and I soon came upon my first Redstart along Bonchurch Rd: a not very showy female calling away. 
When I got to Luccombe Village, nearer the coast, another Redstart showed briefly and a calling Firecrest was around too in the gardens; then heard my first reeling Grasshopper Warbler of  the morning (in someone's garden) with a second heard when I arrived at Haddon's Pits. The odd swallow was going over but not much else...
On the way back I dropped down more into the farm area and chine, and more warbler activity was obvious along the scrub and fence line: again, mostly willow/chiffs/whitethroats; but the highlight was a male Redstart vocal and singing at times (or subsong), which I had never heard before on the island and managed some sort of a sound recording. Otherwise: a Tree Pipit went over, more wheatears at Luccombe Down, as well as a male Whinchat near the Radar Station. (But a surprising 'downs' omission was Ring Ouzel, given the c9 seen at WHD and one at Culver).

29/04: breezy south/sw, milder, sunny:
1 x Reed Warbler (Bonchurch Rd/garden) and 1 x Sedge Warbler (Luccombe Farm fields).
Pair of Swallows interacting over the fields. 

30/04: A Hobby over Luccombe Down (A.M).
Then: SCP evening sea watch with George and then Ollie, S/SE winds: a single Pom was seen in the morning but pretty quiet otherwise; the evening didn't fare much better: aside from a bunch of manxies, kittiwakes, a few commics, and whimbrels, the clear highlight was a Black-throated Diver east. Surprisingly not one skua sp let alone a pom...(Portland B.O mentioned the weather conditions possibly blocking passage from the west)...

Local news: Brading marsh area has two Purple Herons now; and a Blue-headed wagtail was seen just off Laundry Lane at the weekend.

The male Redstart popped out briefly - and also heard:

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Pied Fly (Luccombe) Black Red & Gropper

The winds this week have turned north bringing fresher temps, but at least mostly dry weather, and set to continue. Early this morning (17/04), just before a brief period of showers, a Black Redstart (fem type) was hanging about on the gorse atop Ventnor Downs. The odd fly-over Yellow Wagtail, Yellowhammer, and Siskin. And as I dropped down to the Luccombe area, Willow Warblers were quite noticeable in numbers, an obvious fall (20+); and whilst walking along Bonchurch Rd, I came upon a smart Pied Flycatcher, another first for the year. Both Lesser and Common Whitethroats are now in full song. At least one Swallow went over and a few more Yellow Wagtails too. 

19/04/Friday: early doors heard a Cuckoo (my third Spring one) towards Bonchurch/Monks Bay (coast). And then a Tree Pipit went over North, further along (Ventnor Downs), with a few more distant possible(s) and mipits going over too. The highlight was a reeling Gropper near Luccombe Village; Willow Warblers were again prevalent; couple of lesser throats; and Swallows were noticeably coming in off and North (c25 minimum), the most I've seen so far this spring. 

24/04/Wednesday: another Gropper (Downs) and Tree pipits x2 over, WWs and a Lesser Throat (new in). Hirundines over (c30). Pretty quiet for me - but the recent run of fresh northerly winds is forecast to change......

Nice gorse - plus a Black redstart

Something of a 'record' shot - restless Pied Flycatcher along Bonchurch Road.

First time I've sound recorded this species - calling 
Nice to hear Lesser throats and Chiffchaffs again 

Iain shared a nice video of one the recent Wood Sands - Laundry Lane - six/seven have been lingering:

Green-veined White - pieris napi - Luccombe Farm 25/04

Another view from Haddon's pits on a sunnier day - integrating more into my routine - best so far the Serin.
Post dusk Whimbrel:
One of many sounds of Spring:

Sunday 14 April 2024

SERIN (Haddon's Pits) Wood Sands (Brading)

The first half of April has been somewhat underwhelming (for me anyway), with predominantly breezy westerly winds, mist and fog at times (and rain). I've decided to concentrate my efforts East of the downs, ie the Luccombe area - at least it's sheltered there and looks inviting for in off migrants. It paid off today somewhat, after walking the coast to Haddon's Pits just to the north of Luccombe Village, a flyover Serin went over me (picked up on call) and I managed to get on it; I had a decent enough view of its upperparts including its rump; nice?! It did land for a time on one of the tallish trees (not far from where the Greenish was a few years back) - but unfortunately it didn't stick and carried on northwards. Also, enroute saw my first Redstart on the outskirts of the Village. 

Other seasonal firsts of note so far: Whitethroat (April 1st), Reed Warbler (Brading Marsh 07/04), Tree pipit over (Luccombe Down 10/04), Cuckoo x2 (Shanklin Down 12/04 and Luccombe Chine 13/04, Yellow Wagtail over (Nansen Hill 13/04). Some Xbills (c8) went over Ventnor Downs on the 10th. I haven't bothered much with the sea but did have a Bonxie east back on the 6th...Other noteworthy reports: a Hoopoe at Brighstone (private garden) on 6th, a Purple Heron at Brading Marsh found by Luke G (on 9th), and a Hooded Crow at SCP (lighthouse) found by Dave H. 

Evening session, 14/04, Brading Marsh area: caught up with the Wood Sandpipers in the 'Triangle' field Laundry Lane, at dusk - at least two; had been four this morning (and then six the day after?!). Heard common sandpipers and one Greenshank nearby too.
Vocal Bitterns (x2) heard on the main marsh (also around dusk).

Record shot Redstart at Luccombe Village April 14th

View from 'Haddon's Pits' looking towards Culver

Wood Sandpiper(s) - Laundry Lane, Brading - 14/04 (at dusk) [impressive tally of up to seven have been reported in the triangle field; plus, eight green sands and LRP]

Tuesday 19 March 2024

SCP sea watches (Ventnor Shorty)

Breezy SW winds, overcast and drizzle at times, brought the mipits down low enough to see going over Ventnor Downs today. Made counting them easier, though movements were on a broad front, it didn't take long to get to an estimated c300 (in just over 1hrs obs) piling through Northwards. 
Also, first Willow Warbler in Coombe Bottom today. Couple of Sikins over. 

Ventnor Downs, 21/03: Brambling alighted a tree before leaving northwards, and Siskin (over).

SCP, Sea watch, 25/03, 06:00-10:30, south/SE winds (with several local watchers): eastward passage:
DB Brent 144, Gannet 93, RT Diver 9, C.scoter 66, Shoveler 4, Teal 10, Kittiwake 22, Sandwich Tern 12 etc....

SCP, Sea watch, 27/03, 06:00-09:25, due south to ssw winds, cool temps (with several local watchers): eastward passage:
BT Diver 1 (08:03), RT Diver 12, Arctic Skua 4 (two yesterday were the first), Manxies 3 (first of the spring), C. Scoter 45, Eider 4, Kittiwake 252 (most on a distant line), Gannet 178, S. Tern 17, DB Brent 36...etc....

SCP, Sea watch, 28/03, 06:00-08:50, SSW, (with OD & IMR): east movements:
Arctic Skua 3, RT Diver 6, S. Tern 1, Brent 28, Kittiwake 36, C. Scoter 47, Manx 1, Fulmar 5, Common Gull 8 etc....(Probable Bonxie and Whimbrel/Curlew). 

Ventnor Downs, 30/03, 11:30am: Easter weekend: sunny, winds going SE/E:
Short-eared Owl x1, Red Kite, Snipe x5 (notable), Siskin.

SCP, sea watch, 31/03, 06:35-10:40, Easter Sunday, E/ENE winds, overcast, with several local watchers:
A pretty good mix, eastwards: BT Diver 1 (photographed by Derek), RT Diver 5, C. Scoter 416, Little Gull 1, Shoveler 12, Barwit 20 (flock), Whimbrel 1, Shelduck 4, Oystercatcher 1, DB Brent 60, Sandwich Tern 39.. Etc...Linnets and chiffs in off.. And Ian R stayed on till midday adding an Arctic Skua and a Velvet Scoter.

SEO - Ventnor Downs 30/03 - first one for me since last autumn
Derek's BT Diver photograph, passed by east just after 8am, sea watch at SCP, 31/03 (DBH/IOW sightings website)

Monday 4 March 2024

Spring (Brambling)

Sea watch(s). Quiet but not completely dead; some signs of spring..

SCP, sea watch, 06:45-09:00, 04/03:
Heading Eastwards: 68 Kittiwake, 22 Meds, 1 Shelduck, 2 Oystercatcher, 3 RT Divers, 8 Scoter, 60 Gannets...
A White-tailed Eagle appeared over Knowles Farm around 8:30 and carried on east towards Niton/Undercliff. First south coast one I've seen in a while.

Luccombe Down, 06/03, 7am: a lone Brambling (over east calling), Skylark 2E, a few mipits (south east winds)...
[Forecast is for Easterlies mid week onwards...]

Sea watch, SCP, 07/03, 06:30-09:15, with GAH and DBH:
East winds. East movements: Pintail 2, Shoveler 4, Teal 8, Duck sp 6, C.Scoter 19, DB Brent 56, RT Diver 5, LBB 3, GBB 9, Common Gull 14, BH gull 3, Little Egret 1. Plus a couple of alba wags, chiffs in off, and a few mipits, northwards.

Sea watch, SCP, 08/09, 06:25-08:15, (East winds):
East: Pintail 10 (mf), Teal 3on then east, C.Scoter 8, Mallard 2, RT Diver 1, GC Grebe 1, Med Gull 2, Common Gull 4, Mipit c75 (min) in off low and north. 

Sea watch, SCP, 09/03, 06:20-10:30 (Easterlies), with SS, IMR, OD:
East: DB Brent 135, Pintail, Teal 2, C. Scoter 24 (plus a duck sp?), RT Diver 19, Shelduck, LBB Gull 5, GBB Gull 16. Two Turnstone along the shore. 

Vis mig, Luccombe Down, 11/03, 10:00-11:15, light NW winds, overcast:
Highlight was 234 Chaffinchs over North/NE. Chiffchaffs arriving. Redwing x 33. 
[Following Easterlies, winds variable; but generally now south/SW, breezy at times, getting gradually milder].

Sea watch, Ventnor, 13/03, quiet, onshore winds: RT Diver 7e, C.Scoter 3w

Vis mig, Luccombe Down, 14/03, southerlies, 06:45-08:30, another Brambling over, Crossbill 2, and Siskin heard. A WT Eagle flew over (07:15) and carried on west towards the undercliff. Mipits trickling northbound.....Elsewhere, the first Wheatears have arrived on a typical date: WHD, Culver, SCP etc.

Teal on sea - St Cath's - before leaving eastwards. March 8th.

Following a very wet and dank Feb, nice to see some sun atop Ventnor Downs, if a touch chilly - March 3rd. 

Thursday 1 February 2024

Black-necked Grebe

One BNG off Ryde (west sands/Pier) yesterday (Jan 31st). Quite distant. Gary had a RNG off Seaview. The Hooded Crow still lingers (Cowes).

Ventnor, sea watch, Feb 4th: 62 Red-T Divers East was about it; very few auks and gannets, or gulls even. 

SCP, sea watch, Feb 21st; v quiet, 41 Gannets, six Kittiwake etc (onshore winds, rain, mild)...

Far out BNG - Looking towards the mainland, Southampton water

Between the dire weather 

Gulls - disappointing of late. First LBB I've seen for a while with GBB - Sandown (Feb 7th)
Three LBB gulls at Atherfield today - including a 2cy (Feb 10th).
1st winter GBB and LBB (adult LBB just out of shot)

Sunday 14 January 2024

New Year (interesting Stonechat)

Quiet start to 2024. The mild spell finally gave way to some colder northerlies from about the 7th onwards (ongoing for another week at least). Temps have mostly been just above freezing; a brief dusting of snow back on the 8th. 

Atherfield/military road: coastal fields have several pools at the moment. Must be nigh on 400 common gulls milling about in the area, including the fields east of Whale chine; not that I could pick out anything else of much interest amongst them - meds, BH, Herring, GBB etc. Yesterday, four Dunlins were feeding at one of the pools; quite unusual on this side of the Island (do see them on sea watches and sometimes hear them at night, mind). 

SCP sea watch on 28th: RT Divers x68 (mostly east), seven common scoters etc. (of note). [slightly more Milder conditions of late]. 

Peacock Butterfly, Ventnor, on 28th.

Juv/2cy buzzard outside my window 
Distant local WT Eagle swooped in and caused quite a ruckus at dusk (brents, shelduck etc.). Mobbed by two adult GBB gulls. Great to see them mature. 

I was going back through some old photos (2020 is old now?!) and came upon some I'd taken of a stonechat atop Ventnor Downs. I remember at the time thinking it looked 'interesting'. And looking at it again, along with looking at photographic examples of maura types, I haven't changed my mind. Unfortunately, I never saw its rump/upper tail; and it flew it off, never to be seen again... One that got away? Maybe. 
The date was around October 31st, 2020, and coincided with a fall of stonechat on Luccombe Down (at least c10) I seem to recall. 

Stood out as being paler overall, both the throat and supercilium looked almost white at times. However, how prominent those features were varied when it moved, when viewed at different angles. A possible siberian? - Oct 2020

Waxwing winter
Some were reported on the island today, at East Cowes. But I'm yet to connect with any...
Old photo from Christmas 2018 when I got to see 70 odd in Edinburgh; and to date the last ones I saw. 

Blyth's Reed Warbler (Ventnor Downs)

Heard another vocal 'acro' this morning (26/06), along Bonchurch Road (north side of Nansen Hill, Ventnor Downs) at around 08:45am t...