Tuesday, 31 December 2024

End of year

A look back of sorts: some of my more interesting moments (probably not exhaustive by any means). The year started off as it left with the Hooded Crow still at Cowes College. A Black-necked Grebe off Ryde pier on Jan 31st. Spring included sea watches that were pretty average (by memory). However, a calling Serin flew past me and landed briefly atop a tree near Haddon's Pits on April 14th was nice; the start of a few scarcer highlights: a Wood Warbler singing (Luccombe Down copse) on May 3rd, an odd singing acro (poss. marsh/blyth's?) and a Hoopoe (seen with Mark B, Luccombe) on May 13th, followed by Bee-eater calls heard over Ventnor on May 17th. 

The month of June was memorable: finding a very vocal Greenish Warbler near Corner Cottage, Luccombe down, on 3rd, which many local birders got to see and hear too; and Steve J finding a Marsh Warbler along the Ventnor coast later the same day. The next morning (June 4th) I heard a Golden Oriole near Luccombe Farm. Capped off by finding a singing Blyth's Reed warbler on June 26th, hanging about the scrub on Nansen Hill (also part of the Ventnor Downs complex); it stayed for most of the day. 

Autumn: good Tree Pipit counts over the downs (Aug/Sept). SCP sea watch included sooty and Balearics. A Honey Buzzard over Ventnor Downs on Sept 4th, seen with Neil, was the only one I saw departing the coast line, which was odd given the numbers I've had in times recent - but several singles were recorded by other birders during that period. 

It was an autumn for Hawfinches with my first one on September 25th that landed before moving off (Nansen Hill). It would be the 1st of many and part of an influx: four on Oct 23rd (Luccombe Copse) and three over Bonchurch Down on Nov 1st being notable; but overall and collectively over the period were nigh on 20 birds in the Ventnor area alone. A probable Corn Bunting went over Nansen calling on Oct 17th.

A Richard's Pipit at SCP found by George H on Oct 15th was still there on 16th: seen in flight and heard. However, the autumn's real highlight was the Hume's Warbler at Ventnor on Oct 26th found by Steve J, along Bath Road - and many of us locals (10+) got to experience it too; and later it was joined by a vocal Siberian Chiffchaff - nice! My last Hawfinch experience (heard-only calls) came on November 6th, again near Luccombe Copse. However, four lingering birds were eventually found by others, in and around Shalfleet Church (early December), the same place where I found one back in 2018.......Here's to 2025!

Sandown Bay - December

Ventnor Bay - New Year's Eve

Monday, 23 December 2024

Black-throated Diver & Velvet Scoters

A very showy BTD has been in Bembridge Harbour last few days and I caught up with it today: very close at times but also very active. Afterwards, I briefly stopped at Puckpool to scan the Solent; aside from a lone Great Northern Diver, four Velvet Scoters were nice to see (at 14:27): initially they were seen flying west but turned back east [five in total this autumn following a single west at SCP back on Nov 24th].

Scope record shot - BT Diver - 23/12

BTD at its closest - Bembridge Harbour - 23/12

A hasty attempt at trying to capture the passing Velvets off Puckpool - 23/12

Ventnor Downs - looking North - on a recent December day

Sunday, 8 December 2024

December (Hen Harrier)

December 2nd: Ringtail Hen Harrier over the fields near Whale Chine. 

Cormorant - Bonchurch Pond - 02/12

Thursday, 21 November 2024

Tail end of things...(Velvet Scoter)

Following a protracted mild period since the summer, conditions suddenly changed with the first frost (Nov 20th) and a light dusting of snow (Nov 21st). However, it looks short-lived (here at least) with a return to milder temps along with stormy weather (Storm Bert) this weekend. Unsurprisingly, the vis-mig has somewhat dropped off - but still worth a punt. 

A morning sea watch at SCP on Sunday Nov 24th: dry, gusty F7-8/SW/SSW: 07:50-0920: a single Velvet Scoter (west) at 08:34 was the highlight. Also: Common Scoter E, Kittiwake 121 (88E/33W), Gannet 36, RTD etc.... 

Crisp morning - November 20th 

1st winter YL Gull - Wheelers Bay - Nov 28th

Saturday, 9 November 2024

Sound recordings (Hume's)

Recent uploads: all of my recordings of the recent (October) Ventnor Hume's warbler calling merged into one track;  and the same with most of the vis-mig autumn (Sept/Oct) Hawfinch recordings.

Flushed a Woodlark on Luccombe Down (Nov 12th). My recent run of Hawfinches seems to have come to an end, as well as generally across the Island; though one was in a Freshwater garden on Nov 14th. A likely flyover Snow Bunt on Nov 9th was a near-miss of sorts; distantly heard only (Luccombe Down/A.M); and the recorder failed to pick it up....

Another Hawfinch - seen and heard over the fields near Luccombe Village - November 5th.

Nice to see the sun again after the recent daily grey and overcast conditions. 

Firecrest - one of two outside my window - a few pairs breed close by and hear/see them almost daily; but always a treat!

Redwing - 'gak' type calls 

Friday, 1 November 2024


November kicked off with more Hawfinches: x3 this morning (Nov 1st) seen and heard together over Ventnor at 07:12 [c18 so far since end of September]. Plus, some reasonable vis-mig atop the downs including an unseen calling Golden Plover

November 4th: another Hawfinch over Ventnor (heard only just after 7am) that involved possibly more than one bird. Also, atop Luccombe Down were two Woodlarks: one heard and seen flying Eastwards at 08:03; followed by another single at 08:45 flushed from the ground and northwards (calling).

November 5th: a single Hawfinch went over Luccombe Farm (fields) NE at 13:36. And a Black Redstart along Leeson Rd (Ventnor) this morning...

November 6th: more Hawfinch (heard only/calls) near Luccombe Copse (east side of downs) at 08:08am. And a Brambling, Redwing etc....

And my first Fieldfares (x2) on Oct 30th:

And numerous Redwings:

Sunday, 27 October 2024

HUME'S warbler and Sibe Chiff (Ventnor)

Yesterday (Saturday Oct 26th) Steve Jones put out news of a Yellow-browed Warbler and a possible Hume's Warbler, both along Bath Road in Ventnor. I got down there from midday or so - where quite a gathering of local birders had formed (plus, the odd visiting birder too) - and we all soon got to see and hear them in the area; often favouring a clump of sycamore and ash; but ranging further at times. Gradually, with reasonable views and listening to calls, we soon gained enough confidence say one was indeed a Hume's; an excellent find for SJ and great to share it with a bunch of locals (and a few visitors too). A bonus later on was suddenly hearing a calling Sibe Chiff just across the road from the Hume's - and at one point both ended up together in a tree right above us too?! Plus a random Ring Ouzel briefly landed nearby for good measure....A very memorable day. 

The Hawfinch daily tally continues to build with more flyover(s). One particular single seen over Nansen Hill and Luccombe Copse on Oct 28th showed very well as it circled round above me, calling frequently - seen to depart southwards over the tree tops. [c12 birds so far...].

Areas the Hume's kept faithful to - Ventnor/Bath Road

The sibe 'tristis' chiff (SJ's Vid) - Bath Road - Oct 26th.

More Hawfinch (Oct 28th) - including this single over - seen and heard.
And a heard only on Oct 29th:

Friday, 25 October 2024

Yellow-browed Warbler (Whale Chine)

The highlight this morning was a calling (if brief) Yellow-browed Warbler that must have randomly pitched-in (more or less) right next to me?! As I was walking along the coastal footpath not far from the cliff edge - it called three times at least - but tricky to see - it then fell silent. However, a minute or so later I heard it call again much further East of me. It was obviously passing through following the coast-line as any cover there amounts to longish grass and patches of scrub; and certainly no trees between there and Blackgang. Never had a vis-mig type one before; seems to be a YBW autumn! Plus some good passage totals in general (to tot up)...... 

Where the YBW was last heard - looking east towards Chale

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Hawfinches Ventnor Downs

Today's (Oct 23rd) highlights were two separate Hawfinch encounters: firstly two flyovers (S.W over Nansen Hill at 08:12) followed by four in the trees at Luccombe Copse nr Corner Cottage - seen to leave southwards calling at 09:40. [Making it nine in total so far - on the back of three singles earlier this autumn]. 

Yesterday, (Oct 22nd) a static vis watch (also Nansen) saw quite a substantial movement of Woodpigs [5,125] south/s.w. Plus, bits and bobs going over including Bramblings (x9).

Vocal four in the Luccombe Copse trees - seen to fly off southwards:

Late October Wood Pigeon fest - movements over S.W in the 1000s 

Clouded Yellow (flighty) Bonchurch Down - 24/10

Although not rare by any means, first time I've seen a Blackcap outside of my window - smart male to boot.

Thursday, 17 October 2024

Richard's Pipit SCP

A couple of days ago (October 15th), George found a Richard's Pipit along the coast and just west of the Lighthouse, which again was seen and heard later the same day by Ian & Ollie. I got down there mid-morning the following day (Oct 16th) during a spell of sunny weather, and sure enough I got to experience it too - albeit somewhat briefly and also just west of the Lighthouse: it came up from the long grass next to the footpath, calling away, and seen to fly towards the cliff edge before turning back towards me - whereby it finally dropped out of sight back into the long grass. I did manage to get a sound recording and noted various features (large pipit shape/long tail/proportions/contrasts/head pattern etc) when it was airborne. 

Sonogram - anthus richardi [16/10/24]

Thursday, 3 October 2024

Ring Ouzel(s) Marsh Harrier & Hawfinch(s)

This morning (Oct 3rd) my first Ring Ouzel of the autumn was just below the top fence line of Bonchurch Down - calling away and seen in flight going eastwards towards Nansen Hill; perhaps not surprising on the back of the NE/ENE winds; the odd song thrush looked fresh-in too. Another highlight was a departing Marsh Harrier (female type) initially seen being mobbed by a couple of corvids over Nansen, circled over me before heading southwards and straight out to sea at 08:38: next stop France?! Also: 100 mipits, hirundines, Siskin, Goldfinch, Reed bunt, GS Woodpecker, and my first Brambling of the autumn. 

Oct 4th (S. Easterlies), Luccombe Down (7am-8:45am): Hawfinch over calling (07:45); second of the autumn. Plus: single Ring Ouzel, first Redwings, 100s/1000+ swallows/House Martins/mipits (Eastwards), Grey Wagtail, Skylarks etc. 

Oct 5th: Luccombe Down A.M & P.M, Southerly breeze/sunny/cloudy: good raptor selection included a Merlin east at 08:08 followed by an adult Hobby in from the north, south, then west. Plus sprawks, kestrels, and buzzards, all quite active. Plenty of hirundines and mipits, finches (Siskin, linnet, chaffinch etc), one Yellowhammer (NE), and the odd Jay etc. A brief visit later on: 1x Redstart and whinchat. 1x Painted Lady, Wall, and a couple of commas.  

Oct 6th: Another Hawfinch (poss two) over, Luccombe Down, calling. Plus, the usual selection of finches, mipits, and hirundines etc...Reasonable numbers and steady. Mixed weather with heavy showers at times. 

Sky-high Marsh Harrier departing southwards from Bonchurch Down - early morning Oct 3rd.

Hawfinch (sonogram) - Oct 4th - more distant than the previous September bird.

Haddon's Pits

Ventnor - early October, nice spell of weather - though it's about to change

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Hawfinch (sound recorded) and Harrier sp (Ringtail)

Nansen Hill and Luccombe Down, 06:50 - 08:50, SSW breeze, overcast, some rain.
An interesting early morning vis-mig session and wander. Mipits and hirundines were on the move westwards and immediately obvious, plus Tree Pipits (10+), Yellow Wags, Siskin, and Reed Bunting overhead. One of the highlights was a calling Hawfinch that suddenly landed in the trees near me at the top of Nansen Hill (around 7:30am); and after a couple of minutes it took flight again eastwards/SE and out of view. Mark B had one at Blackgang the other day, so perhaps it's going to be an autumn/winter for them? [My last one, also over Ventnor Downs, was on November 10th, 2021].

More frustrating was a Ringtail Harrier sp that came in from the WNW, low down, and carried on eastwards low over the trees towards Nansen; however, it turned southwards and dropped out of sight towards Bonchurch (around 08:15); and I didn't see it again. Most views were of its upperparts and going away from me - but ultimately, views were not conclusive beyond that of it being a 'ringtail'.

Also: Blackcaps and Chiffs have been well represented in the area with 100+ around, plus Firecrest (12+), Goldcrest starting to increase, and Robins & Blackbirds etc.

Hawfinch - video (phone) - audio of it calling (ripped) - Sept 25th (and Oct 4th).

Close to October - starting to feel and look autumnal

Wednesday, 4 September 2024

Honey Buzzard

After missing a couple of autumn HBs (so far) over Luccombe/Ventnor Downs, it was nice to get one Honey B today (Sept 4th) over the downs. Watching with Neil, we picked it up at around 11:50am just to North of us, high-up and seen to circle for a time before making its way south-west passed the Radar Station towards St Lawrence. The local common buzzards were also out in force with at least 12 airborne and seen at any one time; plus sprawks etc. And very early on this morning a Falcon sp, perhaps a hobby, was seen heading on similar line to the honey. [Conditions were light North winds and broken clouds]. Also: hirundines aplenty/c100, Tree Pipits 10+ over, a few Grey wagtails etc. A female/juv Marsh Harrier over the downs midday back on Sept 1st; same day the lads had a honey as well. Plus, an interesting 2nd-hand report of a Hoopoe seen in nearby Coombe Bottom on Aug 29th. 

Luccombe Down

Hornet mimic hoverfly

100s/1000s of House Martins Whale Chine to Atherfield (17/09)

Atherfield Point and Cottages 17/09

Looking towards St. Catherine's Hill at sunrise

Thursday, 22 August 2024

Sea watch - Sooty & Balearics

SCP (St Cath's Lighthouse):
Late afternoon/early evening (Aug 22nd), 15:50 - 18:40, blustery SW and drizzly conditions (Storm Lilian).
An intermittently interesting sea-watch at the 'point' with a single Sooty Shearwater (at 18:15) and Balearics x3 singles (West). Also, a few passing Manx and Kittiwakes x11. Etc. 
Otherwise, Tree Pipits have been steadily going over my usual Ventnor Downs site most recent mornings. 

28/08: Luccumbe Down: Tree Pipit x32 over (noteworthy morning count), Yellow Wag x6, Pied Flycatcher x1, Spot FC x3.

Great Green Bush-cricket Tettigonia viridissima - Ventnor (24/08)


Thursday, 8 August 2024

Tree Pipits and Pied Fly (etc)

First half of August:

Sunday (Aug 4th) the more productive day so far. First tree pipits went over.
Luccombe Down: Tree Pipit x5 
Gropper (Nansen Hill)
Luccombe Farm area: c30 Willow Warblers (collective total). Spot FC x1.
And heading home via Bonchurch Down there was one Cuckoo on the slopes. 

Saturday 10th, Nansen Hill, AM: my first autumn Pied Fly, Spot FC, WWs c10, Siskin, and a flyover Green Sandpiper (calling/sound recorded); the latter being a site first for me. PM: met Neil atop Luccombe Down - but seemed quieter (breezy westerly). Wheatear, Swifts c20 overhead, hirundines including a few Smartins, etc.

Tuesday 13th, 06:15-08:15, Nansen Hill/Luccombe Down: Tree Pipits x26 (south/sw), Yellow Wags x5 (N/ENE), Green Sandpiper over at 06:26, c15 Willow Warbler, steady trickle of hirundines (mostly swallow), etc. 

My first autumn Pied Flycatcher (record shot) - Nansen Hill - 10/08

Sunday, 28 July 2024


Some signs of early autumn migration have begun:
Yesterday (27th) on Nansen Hill, two active groppers showed well in a patch of buddleia, along with a Sedge Warbler seen and heard. More gropper-like calls were heard in the vicinity, so there may have been more hidden in the scrub. Willow Warblers were very evident too, working their way through the bushes, with c8 a very conservative count. One wheatear seen further up the slopes (and a Painted Lady). Overhead has been very quiet so far; yet to get a tree pipit even. 

From Nansen Hill looking towards Culver - a calm warm spell of weather - July 27th.

Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Yellow-legged Gull (4cy & juv)

As it's that time of year, I went looking specifically for a juv YL gull near Sandown Pier this morning, but instead came upon a mature individual, preening and resting. Age-wise, I assume it's a sub adult (4cy) as it appears quite advanced; and P10 appeared to have a mirror - but not an age I'm overly familiar with. [Single juvenile there on July 24th].
Not much else to mention: a couple of Siskin went over Luccombe (Village) back on 2nd. A Roseate Tern has been seen by other birders off Fort Vic/Solent waters. Sand Martins are starting to move south...

Yellow-legged Gull larus michahellis - Sandown Beach - July 10th

My first juv YL of the year - Sandown beach - 24/07

Juv Black Headed gull

At least nine juv Med Gulls - July 20th - Sandown

Marbled White - melanargia galathea

Ventnor Bay

SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

Wheelers Bay Ventnor : Black Redstart on March 5th.  SCP (St Cath's) : off the 'point' March 8th: morning sea watch with George...