Friday, 21 July 2023

SERIN (and Pied Fly)

Luccombe Down/Ventnor Downs, early doors (6am). Beautiful calm morning - started off with six airborne Kestrels gliding around together, mostly silhouetted, but probably comprised a few juvs and a couple of adults. A fellow birder soon joined me and at around 7:10 a calling Serin went right over us - continued south west towards Bonchurch/Ventnor. My second bird of the year but surprisingly my first flyover up there on the downs; nice out of the blue surprise. 
Also: single siskin and crossbill over; small numbers of xbills being a daily occurrence of late. Willow Warbler juvs turning up now.    

First autumn Pied Flycatcher and many willow warblers (c25) on 26th, along the east side of Luccombe Down. Two more Xbills (over NW) and one yesterday. 

Along Ryde sea front (Ryde youth)

Agapanthus (African Lily?) nr Bonchurch 
Local Herring Gulls - three juvs/nest site - At least five young (three and two) attributable to two rooftop nest sites barely more than 100 yards apart. 

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