Monday, 31 July 2023
Balearic Shearwater - SCP
Friday, 21 July 2023
SERIN (and Pied Fly)
Flight calls of a flock of migrating European Serins (Serinus serinus) recorded by Magnus Robb at Sagres, Portugal, 30th Oct 2019. Background: Yellow-legged Gull, Sardinian Warbler and House Sparrow. Photo, René Pop, Spain, 15th Feb 2022 @dutchbirding @soundapproachuk @xenocanto
— Mark Constantine (@Markatlush) October 30, 2023
Wednesday, 12 July 2023
Crossbill and YL Gull juv (sea eagle news)
We are thrilled that a pair of White-tailed Eagles have successfully reared a chick in England for the first time in 240 years this summer. A very significant milestone for the project.
— Roy Dennis Foundation (@RoyDennisWF) July 18, 2023
Read more here: @ForestryEngland
Sunday, 9 July 2023
ROLLER - Brading Marsh RSPB
A Roller was found by Paul White at Brading Marsh (RSPB reserve) yesterday (July 8th) late afternoon/evening; a local twitch had to be done and fortunately it was still there early this morning (July 9th). I watched it from nearby Gander Down: it was often on the wires just to the north of the Old sea wall. [Overall it stayed around in that area till July 11th, at least). A cracking find for Paul and Brading M delivers yet again. I assume it's the first IOW record - at least as a confirmed and twitch-able bird. [Supporting cast of Hobby, marsh harrier (juv), and WTE etc].
Otherwise fairly quiet: Crossbills (singles and twos) have been relatively regular over Ventnor. Signs of autumn.....
Couple of record shots on a somewhat murky morning - looked better in real life!
Roller still Brading Marsh but very distant on wires at 10:44 @RareBirdAlertUK
— Wallsend Wildlife (@WallsendWild26) July 11, 2023
SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)
Wheelers Bay Ventnor : Black Redstart on March 5th. SCP (St Cath's) : off the 'point' March 8th: morning sea watch with George...

My 1st juv Yellow-legged Gull at Sandown Beach (North of the pier/typical spot for them) on July 15th and 17th.. probably my earliest by ...
Post a fairly staid sea watch at ' St Cath's ' (early doors with Mark B and Gary H til 09:45), just after I packed up around 10:...
Yesterday (Saturday Oct 26th) Steve Jones put out news of a Yellow-browed Warbler and a possible Hume's Warbler , both along Bath Road ...