Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Eastern Yellow Wagtail (probable at East Cowes)

A photograph taken of a wagtail along East Cowes esplanade circulated via social media on November 7th was quickly suspected to be a 1st winter Eastern Yellow Wagtail, a race of Yellow Wagtail (motacilla tschutschensis) and a rarity for the UK; local birders soon investigated and twitched it. Today I caught up with it, easily found along the sea wall (occasionally dropping over to the beach), feeding - it was especially confiding. It also gave a couple of calls when it flew off, though it wasn't particularly vocal otherwise; however, the recording could prove very useful in identifying its race. This is my second UK bird (1st at Prestwick Carr Jan 2020) but my first as a local island tick. If accepted - besides photos and the sound recording: a faecal sample was collected by other birders for DNA analysis - this will be a first for the island. It's also probably been present there since September 21st being only latterly identified on Nov 7th. Certainly, bird of the year (so far). 

Casually strolling towards us seemingly unperturbed.
And the moment it flew up and called

Prestwick Carr bird (Jan 2020 twitch)

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