Thursday, 15 September 2022

Bee-eater and Honey B (Ventnor Downs)

A day of two halves: (Northerlies F4 broken cloud).  

Following on from the other day, another Honey Buzzard suddenly came up circling over Nansen Hill and departed southwards straight out to sea at an early-ish time of 07:43. Plus, mipits, tree pipits, and hirundines (in 100s) were streaming Northwards into the northerly head wind. 

Then later on this afternoon: a Bee-eater went over Luccombe Down Northwards calling at 13:44; likely to be a bird that was originally at Portland Obs (there since September 11th?) and then seen moving further East of Dorset (Swanage) around midday today. This is (perhaps surprisingly) the first island one I've encountered since 2014, which was the two I saw at Gander Down/ Brading Marsh in June and the (successfully bred) family at Wydcombe NT (July/Aug of that year).

Hummingbird hawk-moth on buddleia outside home on 16th. 

Dodgy vid of the Honey B leaving southwards

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