Friday, 30 September 2022

Ring Ouzel

Bits and bobs over the last week or so:

The highlight was a flyover Ring Ouzel on the 28th; I was just packing up ready to go (fairly pedestrian up to that point) when it suddenly came in from the east, not vocal at all, but got my bins on it; nice to get a vis mig one; left in a westerly direction. Otherwise, finches have included siskin and the first autumn Brambling; mipits are obvious in numbers, with a few tree pipits still.
As September closes the winds have picked up this evening, gusting from the southwest. Could well shake things up - with a chance of an American rarity?

Tuesday, 20 September 2022

WHD - Merlin

Tried WHD and Headon warren today.

Highlight was a fem/imm Merlin seen along the southern fence line in a group of twenty mipits and linnets, causing a stir. It came towards and past me, close in, and continued eastwards. My first of the autumn. Otherwise: low numbers of tree pipit, yellow/alba/grey wagtails, and one siskin etc. Lepidoptera: two Clouded yellow butterflies (Headon warren). 

Early morning at SCP - 22/09/22 

Thursday, 15 September 2022

Bee-eater and Honey B (Ventnor Downs)

A day of two halves: (Northerlies F4 broken cloud).  

Following on from the other day, another Honey Buzzard suddenly came up circling over Nansen Hill and departed southwards straight out to sea at an early-ish time of 07:43. Plus, mipits, tree pipits, and hirundines (in 100s) were streaming Northwards into the northerly head wind. 

Then later on this afternoon: a Bee-eater went over Luccombe Down Northwards calling at 13:44; likely to be a bird that was originally at Portland Obs (there since September 11th?) and then seen moving further East of Dorset (Swanage) around midday today. This is (perhaps surprisingly) the first island one I've encountered since 2014, which was the two I saw at Gander Down/ Brading Marsh in June and the (successfully bred) family at Wydcombe NT (July/Aug of that year).

Hummingbird hawk-moth on buddleia outside home on 16th. 

Dodgy vid of the Honey B leaving southwards

Monday, 12 September 2022

Honey Buzzard(s) - Ventnor Downs

Today was a productive day; Luccombe Down; 06:40 - 15:00. Winds SE/ESE, with sunny intervals. 

The highlight was four Honey Buzzards, presumably different birds: singles at 11:10 (probable adult), juv at 12:30, adult SE at 12:58, another juv, the fourth bird, circled over north (lost sight of it) at 14:00 (seen with Neil Newnam). Plus, a decent movement of hirundines, mipits, and tree pipits etc. 

No photos of HBs this year (presently no camera other than a phone one) - but the dark juvs today were very much like this one we saw Sept 2016 (Headon Warren) and were quite subtle. 

Friday, 9 September 2022

Luccombe Down - vis mig

A better morning on Ventnor Downs today - although still breezy the winds completely changed to Westerlies - and up top I was immediately greeted by a fall of wheatear (14 birds on the deck) and a couple of Whinchat; plus calling tree pipits and grey wags going over etc. 

Thursday, 8 September 2022

SCP sea watch (Balearics, YL)

SCP, 06:45 - 09:30, SW/WSW, F6-7, showers...

After yesterday's report of a Fea's type (!!) off Ventnor (seen by NL), and with similar breezy onshore conditions today - a morning at SCP seemed like a good idea. 

It was pretty quiet though, with just enough action to maintain the interest: 5 x Balearic Shearwaters (west), 1 common Scoter east, 37 Gannets, and one Yellow-legged Gull (1cy/1st winter). 

Two Balearics were tagging along with gannets - size difference

SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

Wheelers Bay Ventnor : Black Redstart on March 5th.  SCP (St Cath's) : off the 'point' March 8th: morning sea watch with George...