Monday, 11 April 2022

Spring seawatch

Today, breezy easterlies predominated, and after seeing reports aplenty from the morning (velvet scoters etc), I paid SCP an afternoon visit and arrived there at 3pm. Although it was somewhat slow going, highlights included a Black-throated diver, Bonxie, a few arctic skuas, Manxies (seven E), C.Scoter, a flock of duck sp (probably pintail and teal), a lone Whimbrel, a few sarnies east, plus a few odds and ends as well (15:00-18:30).  

Noc-mig near SCP lighthouse (ongoing) April 9th - 10th, overnight (20:30 - 05:00) so far has produced a coot and a moorhen (sound recorded). 

Tuesday 12th: Luccombe Down, singing Whitethroat (1st of the year), and Cuckoo on St. Boniface Down (Ventnor Downs).. 

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SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

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