Monday, 25 April 2022

Gropper - fall - Rocken End

North easterlies dominate at the moment...Rocken End early: an in off Gropper is always nice - gave a snatch of song/vocals before presumably moving quickly on. Also: Yellow wagtails going over. Reed warbler, Lesserthroat and Garden Warbler. Double figure count of willow warblers. The sea had a few bits: skuas x2 (probably arctic), GC grebe, scoter, and Kitts, Whimbrel. 

Monday, 18 April 2022

Red Kite and Ring O - Ventnor Downs

Midday, on a nice spring day, atop Luccombe Down (Ventnor Downs), had some protracted views of a (or possibly two or more) Red Kite. Migrants were thin on the ground tho, save a trckle of Swallows (about five northbound and over). Ring Ouzel on 23rd. 

Ring Ouzel on April 23rd:

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Egyptian Goose (update)

Went back today (April 13th) to see how the family were doing and could only see five goslings this time (nine goslings before/see March 15th); good to see both attentive parents keeping close to them.

Early hours of the 12th: active & calling barn owl(s) picked up near home in Ventnor..

Monday, 11 April 2022

Spring seawatch

Today, breezy easterlies predominated, and after seeing reports aplenty from the morning (velvet scoters etc), I paid SCP an afternoon visit and arrived there at 3pm. Although it was somewhat slow going, highlights included a Black-throated diver, Bonxie, a few arctic skuas, Manxies (seven E), C.Scoter, a flock of duck sp (probably pintail and teal), a lone Whimbrel, a few sarnies east, plus a few odds and ends as well (15:00-18:30).  

Noc-mig near SCP lighthouse (ongoing) April 9th - 10th, overnight (20:30 - 05:00) so far has produced a coot and a moorhen (sound recorded). 

Tuesday 12th: Luccombe Down, singing Whitethroat (1st of the year), and Cuckoo on St. Boniface Down (Ventnor Downs).. 

Sunday, 10 April 2022


Luccombe Down: SEo, Tree pipit, House Martin, all new for the year. 

SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

Wheelers Bay Ventnor : Black Redstart on March 5th.  SCP (St Cath's) : off the 'point' March 8th: morning sea watch with George...