Saturday 1 January 2022

New Years Day and early January

Morning only NYD from 7:45:
(Very mild; up to 15c)
Noc mig: 8x Redwing just after midnight. 
Morning til lunch: visited Whale chine, SCP, and Yaverland. 
Black Redstart (1m) at SCP Lighthouse. Kittiwakes and auks moving. 
>Black headed gull, ringed, 2FN White, from Copenhagen, at Yaverland car park. 
About 33 species seen on the 1st. 
Other new year highlights:
Black-throated Diver off Springvale on Jan 3rd; plus GND, RedN grebe and slavs (2).
White-fronted Goose x 2 at Brading Marsh on January 5th. Marsh Harriers etc.
Barn Owl heard at Binstead on Jan 9th. 

Black red at SCP and 1st winter Common Gull at Sandown C.Lake

BT Diver:

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Blyth's Reed Warbler (Ventnor Downs)

Heard another vocal 'acro' this morning ( 26/06 ), along Bonchurch Road (north side of Nansen Hill, Ventnor Downs) at around 08:45am...