Sunday, 27 September 2020

Honey Buzzards and Lapland Bunt

September 21st: interesting morning on Luccombe Down (bright and calm conditions) began with two Ring Ouzels and 20 Lesser Redpolls - and then put up a Lapland Bunting (2nd one of the autumn) with mipits before it dropped down again and out of view (sound recorded). With plenty of interest overhead I joined Perry for a watch at the 'raptor' mound; and Andy and Neil soon joined us. After an hour or so I noticed two raptors way out to the north of us - though distant - I was struck by how their wings were often held flat; together both birds occasionally circled but generally kept moving south over Wroxall. As they came progressively closer all four of us agreed they were Honey Buzzards and both continued southwards out over Bonchurch. Closer views of one showed it to be a typical brown morph juvenile. A flyover Woodlark nicely capped off the session. 

Volucella zonaria at St. Catherine's Point (28-09-20)

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