Monday 6 April 2020

Arctic Tern and Little Gulls (Sea passage)

The sea was interesting over the weekend. After the early morning fog lifted on Saturday, common scoters quickly appeared in numbers. Terns, skuas, and a variety of waders ensued. The highlight was a strong passage of little gulls and a close in Adult Arctic Tern.
Also seen: White-tailed eagle, my first swallows, and more willow warblers.

Several flocks went by.

Another in off crow - still awaiting a hooded.

Arctic Tern - near Rocken End (SCP/Niton)

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Blyth's Reed Warbler (Ventnor Downs)

Heard another vocal 'acro' this morning ( 26/06 ), along Bonchurch Road (north side of Nansen Hill, Ventnor Downs) at around 08:45am...