Saturday 22 February 2020

Feb - 2nd Winter YL Gull

The strong Westerly winds and reasonably mild temps continue. Even the end of this month looks likely to close in similar fashion. 

The sea has been quiet. On the 20th at SCP there was a movement of fulmar that provided some interest: with 19 West into a gusty SW wind. And a Yellow-legged gull was at Whale Chine on the 21st. The coastal muddy pools there look 'interesting' and extensive: compared to a year ago when it was bone dry. Sizable and fresh looking land slips along there were obviously quite noticeable. 

20th: fulmar movement; most not this close.

 Sheltering from the relentless winds.

 Whale Chine: 3cy/2nd winter YL.

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Blyth's Reed Warbler (Ventnor Downs)

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