Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Wood pigeons

Big movements today and the island had a taste with tens of thousands moving along the south coast. Mark was watching from Blackgang and had undoubtedly the lion's share with 24,260 from the West/moving E/then SW and (presumably most) out to sea. Meanwhile, from a different position we only picked up c2000 moving ENE over Ventnor Town; although later on into the session I did notice a flock u-turn and head SW; it's also interesting that that probably coincided with a complete flip in the wind direction from NNE to south - perhaps influencing things.

The mystery of where do they go? Both vis mig watches were fairly synchronised and time-wise of similar lengths - and it's generally considered they don't cross the channel (no obvious spring migration and an autumn Westerly bias). So presumably the majority headed back West.   


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