Wednesday, 23 October 2019

SCP (Bat, Merlin, Dolphins)

I covered some ground this morning: from Castlehaven to Rocken End, everything in between, plus the Old Blackgang Rd..The highlight was an obvious arrival of black redstarts around the lighthouse, an arrival which had happened at other coastal hot spots along the south today. Otherwise it was fairly pedestrian, both vis mig and the bushes (though an increase in robin etc.). At least the wind has gone east for a change.

Another memorable moment (certainly something you don't see every day) came when I was watching a pod of Bottlenose dolphins pass by east. What followed was an interesting sequence of events: I picked up an inbound bat sp. over the sea (that must have passed right over the dolphins) and watched it progress towards the coastline - when seemingly out of nowhere a merlin went out to greet it. Although the melee was sometimes obscured and out of sight, from what I could tell the bat got away alive.

Near Watershoot Bay: In coming bat meets a merlin...

At least six in the area.

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SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

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