Friday, 17 May 2019


Yesterday afternoon an Alpine swift was seen at Brading Marsh; also in the afternoon I was getting news of poms being on the move along the south coast. Though it would have been nice to see the swift, the opportunity to see poms on the move was too enticing.
So I did an evening watch from the lighthouse, 5:45pm-8:20pm, with an easterly wind and bright conditions. It was slow going to put it mildly: nothing much was passing by, save a few auks; and yet I was still getting news of poms passing other watch points: where were they?! Frustration turned to determination - and finally - about an hour and half after starting my sea watch, one passed by.
(Turned out the Solent was far more inviting for them...).

The lone pom.

Alpine swift over Laundry Lane by Jim Baldwin.

Sent to me by a fellow birder - undisclosed location.

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